this terrible mourning prompted a candidate to participate in the competition


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The Miss France 2022 competition is just around the corner: it will take place on December 11, 2021. The Misses have given themselves over to their lives during short interviews, so that the public get to know them. A very touching story particularly marked us.

The election of Miss France 2022 will take place on Saturday December 11 in Caen. The 29 candidates are actively preparing for it with the entire Committee and their teams. The goal ? Offer the public a show that lives up to their expectations, on the theme of musicals. Miss fans will be able to see them parade and dance to music from cult films such as West Side Story Where The Lion King. They will also be able to admire them in a sublime princess dress signed Nicolas Fafiotte.

This contest is seen by many regional Miss as a springboard and a dream. During interviews granted to the press and to TF1, the 29 candidates confided in their hopes and their career. Studies, favorite television series, bigger stupidity … The Miss have revealed a little more their personality. But that’s not all, since some candidates also shared very touching stories. This is the case of Miss Tahiti, Tumateata Buisson, who recounted a terrible mourning.

Read also : Miss France 2022: discover our 3 favorite Miss for the title

This mourning which pushed Miss Tahiti to participate in Miss France

Tumateata Buisson, Miss Tahiti, is 24 years old and she is working as a communication and digital content manager at the Tahiti tourist office. In his portrait distributed by TF1, the Miss appears as a fighter. She also confided in a family tragedy: she lost her mother 3 years ago. Asked about her reasons for participating in the Miss France beauty pageant, she respond To LCI : “In my opinion, Miss France, like Miss Tahiti is, is a life accelerator that allows us as young women to flourish and share exceptional moments. More personally, Miss Tahiti has been for me a way of giving back homage to the woman of my life, my mother. The Miss France adventure will also be dedicated to Polynesia! “

On the chain Polynesia 1st, she also made a very touching statement for her mother: “I am sure that she is proud of me. Already by the fact that I took the plunge by presenting myself to this adventure and of course the consecration of a scarf and a crown that I brought back to the House.” A moving story, through which many people can recognize themselves. We wish her good luck in the competition, as well as the 28 other candidates.

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