this trick to refine your jawline is a hit


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A new trendy beauty trick that has the web going wild, the jawline highlight allows you to redraw the oval of your face without surgery.

You find your jaw too much largetoo much square or just too much prominent ? No more need to think about the stroke of the scalpel to retouch the oval of your face, a new beauty tip Who going viral on TikTok promise to refine it in just a few minutes. This beauty hack of the moment, it is the technique of jawline highlight or how put somehighlighter on his jaw to highlight it while giving it the impression that its curve is lifted if you prefer.

Inspired by the model’s makeovers Bella Hadid whose oval is often sublimated by make-up, this make-up technique popularized on TikTok by influencer @rachelocoolmua could well dethrone the outline of the face. That of the model is so popular with women lately that many are those who take her face as a model when they are going to have recourse to surgery to refine it permanently.

Make-up tutorial: the technique of jawline highlight in detail

If you want to reproduce this trick, know that it is better to do it as the final touch of complexion makeup since it consists of applying a littlejawbone highlighter before blending the product to blend it with the foundation and obtain a natural result. By performing it at the end of your make-up ritual, the oval of the face is adorned with a beautiful shine and a clear zone of light which creates the illusion that it is thinner than it looks. actually is.
But it is also possible to add one more step to this technique to bring more contrast, sculpt the oval a little more and obtain an even more satisfactory result. Just start by depositing a dash of bronzer or any other product in a special shade outline (stick, creamy eyeshadow) along the jawbone and blend the product just before applying thehighlighter. You will see, your jaw will be refined immediately and will be ready to shine in society.

Divine Glow Highlighter by Pat McGrath Labs – 49.90 euros at sephora

Elodie LE GALL

Passionate about writing and beauty, Elodie swaps her lipstick for her laptop to find you the best makeup, hair and skincare trends, and pro tips…

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