this valuable document prevents you from paying too much tax on your pension

Supplementary pension funds, like basic plans, transmit the amount of your pension to the tax authorities each month. To check the amount of pension that will be subject to income tax, you must consult your tax certificate.

Agirc-Arrco, like all supplementary pension funds and basic schemes, sends information on the amount of your pension each month to the tax administration.

Thanks to this mechanism, you receive your pre-completed income tax return each year in the spring which specifies the amount of your retirement subject to income tax.

“The amounts indicated correspond to the gross and taxable sums paid by your retirement funds from January 1 to December 31, 2023,” specifies the Agirc-Arrco website.

“You will therefore not receive a tax certificate from your retirement funds” by mail, adds this information note published on January 15.

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A useful document to track down possible errors

However, since February 1, “your tax certificate relating to your supplementary pension payments received for the year 2023 will be available on your personal space My Agirc-Arrco », details the website of the main supplementary scheme for private sector employees.

And this document is very valuable. It will allow you to check that the amounts declared for taxes correspond to those indicated on your tax return. If you notice an error, report it immediately to your Agirc-Arrco supplementary pension fund.

Agirc-Arrco pension: good news for 400,000 policyholders

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