This very inexpensive fat-burning food is ideal for losing weight, according to a doctor

You want to lose weight, but you no longer know how to eat. Here is an inexpensive food to adopt, according to the recommendations of a doctor.

When it comes to weight loss, adopt a balanced diet is essential. There is a rule to follow to lose weight. It is important to balance caloric intake and energy expenditure. The rule would therefore be that it is sufficient cause a calorie deficit, or spend more calories than we ingest, to start losing weight.

However, for some people who adopt this rule, weight loss is not necessarily effective. Indeed, basal metabolism must also be taken into account in this equation. The latter corresponds to the number of calories burned by the body to ensure its functioning. However, in some overweight people, this metabolism is slowed down. They therefore have to make great efforts to lose weight.

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A new routine to adopt

Dr Jimmy Mohamed has revealed a simple technique to adopt to boost your metabolism. Indeed, sleep disorders, hormonal imbalance, can be the cause of the slowdown of the latter. You therefore tend to store calories and burn them with difficulty, which leads to fat storage.

If you are planning to lose weight, you need to boost your metabolism. You will then eliminate calories more easily when you perform your physical exercises, music you will burn them more easily. To do this, all you need to do is repeat an action that you do every day: drink water. Indeed, Dr. Mohamed mentioned several studies which demonstrate that consuming approximately 500 ml of water causes an increase in metabolic rate of 30%. He further clarified that drinking 1 liter of water per day allows you to burn 100 extra calories. Information not to be overlooked.

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How to achieve this objective?

To drink more water every day, you can use different tips. Replace sodas, juices and other sugary drinks by water. Bring a bottle or flask that you will carry with you.

There are certain models of water bottles that allow you to determine the volume of drink you ingest in 24 hours. You also have the option of using a straw (preferably cardboard), for drinking, in order to ingest a larger quantity of water in a short time. Armed with these new lessons, you can therefore test this new method for several months in order to evaluate its effectiveness.

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