Thomas and Myriam (Koh-Lanta) as a couple: mysterious trip, an operation planned

Myriam and Thomas will have made the suspense last until the end! While insistent rumors told them as a couple after leaving Koh-Lanta, the secret weapons (2021), the adventurers ended up formalizing in October, a year after the end of filming. Since then, there is no longer any question of hiding for the lovebirds who today form a beautiful blended family with Myriam’s two children. Internet users can now follow each of their adventures to the four corners of the world and this Tuesday, December 28, 2021, it is in Istanbul in Turkey that they put their luggage.

According to a story of Miriam, it is for a very specific reason that they went to this town, namely a mysterious operation. “We have arrived safely in Istanbul! Direction the hotel and the operation is today! We’ll keep you posted“, she promised her Instagram community. For the time being, it is impossible to know more about the reasons for this intervention.

However, we can imagine that this concerns Thomas, he who finds himself injured for several days. Indeed, still on Myriam’s Instagram account, a video was posted on December 23, through which he appears the arm in a cast. Again, neither of the two candidates for the survival show provided details. Myriam seems in any case to have taken pleasure in taking advantage of the vulnerable state of her darling. While he was immobilized, she had fun offering him new hair looks, sometimes punk or electric. Images which greatly amused the Web. Thomas then received a wave of messages wishing him a speedy recovery.

Between Miriam and Thomas, it was love at first sight that took place during the filming of Koh Lanta. And their story seems set to continue. “Today we are still a tight-knit pair in life than ever. (…) I will always be there to protect you, support you and take care of you. You and me it was written, it was obvious … I love you“, the young man told him on Instagram.

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