those parts of our body that we do not wash enough


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Washing is a daily gesture that we do automatically without even thinking about it. But do you really have the right reflexes in the shower? Nothing is less sure…

Whether you take it in the evening or in the morning, the shower is a moment of hygiene to which you give more or less time according to your schedule and habits. While some people like to stay under hot water for a long time to relax, others prefer to stick to the essentials and rub with shower gel as quickly as possible. If, in and of itself, all schools are the same when it comes to washing, it can happen that you do not get out of your shower as clean as you think because it is common to forget to wash certain areas sufficiently. of our body …

Yet did you think you were irreproachable in terms of hygiene? But do you rub all the folds of your body well (under the armpits, under the knees, under the chest, in the groin …)? No ? Then you may also forget other parts of your body which are usually neglected during washing. Here is the list of those areas too often forgotten, to soap well in the shower!

Shower: those parts of our body that should be washed more

  • our face : unless we proceed to a proper toilet at the sink – before or after our shower – our face must also be free of bacteria that accumulate there during the day in the shower. Since it can be touched up to 3,000 times in a single day *, it is very important to remember it when washing. To best respect our skin, we must of course opt for a cleanser specially designed for the face (and especially not our shower gel) to pamper it, and choose it according to our skin type to avoid any skin problem.
  • the back of our ears : While it is very important to clean the inside of your ears to remove excess earwax before it creates a plug, this is not the only area of ​​the ear that requires our attention. Indeed, it is common to forget that the back of our ears must also be washed in the shower.
  • the underside of our nails : since we take shower gel or soap thanks to them and that we wash with them (or that they are in contact with our glove or our shower flower), our hands are generally very clean when leaving the shower. But this is far from the case with our nails, which we generally neglect to clean with a nail brush on a daily basis. However, many bacteria and residues condense under our nails during the day. Beware of the risk of yeast infection if you let them enjoy themselves too long!
  • our neck : some thinks it is washed by the shampoo water, others by the water that they run with the shower head, but the back of the neck must also be rubbed with washing product to be very clean. Let’s not forget that the residues of our hair products can stick to them, just like the impurities of our scarves and other turtlenecks in winter.
  • our navel : a hand coated with soap passed on the stomach is far from sufficient to properly clean this small area made up of many folds. This little nook is even an area conducive to collecting bacteria which are moreover comfortably installed there since it is a hot part of our body. To prevent your belly button from getting dirty after you shower, consider using a cotton swab to clean it with the tip soaked in soapy water or alcohol.
  • our back : it is sometimes believed to be clean because the water with the addition of shower gel flows down our backs until our kidneys fall, but the back is a large part of our body which must also be cleaned meticulously and regularly. So, we stop thinking that he washes himself and we rub gently with his hands.
  • our feet : as for the back, many mistakenly think that the soapy water flowing over them is sufficient to clean them. Big mistake! It is far from removing all the bacteria from our feet. We not only have to rub the bottom and top of the feet, but also the small areas between our toes to keep them really clean. We even have to think about cleaning the underside of our toenails, just like that of our fingernails on a daily basis.
  • our scalp : if shampooing is not a daily gesture for everyone (which is not a problem by the way), when washing our hair, we sometimes mistakenly focus on our lengths rather than on our skull. However, this is precisely the secret of a good shampoo: emulsify the product and make it foam by massaging the scalp meticulously before letting the water with the addition of shampoo run over the lengths to rid them of impurities.

Read also : – Here’s why you shouldn’t wash your hair in too hot water
– Shower: what is the ideal temperature for your skin?

You are now well informed to adopt (finally) a good routine in the shower and not to forget those parts of our body that we do not always wash so well!

Misconceptions about hand hygiene:

Video by Jennifer sultan

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* Barrier gestures: avoid touching your face,

Passionate about writing and beauty, Elodie swaps her lipstick for her laptop to find the best in makeup, hairstyle and skincare trends, and professional tips …

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