Three recipes to get a taste for organ meats

The offal is back in the spotlight, revisited by young chefs who are not afraid of anything. Here are three recipes for those who would like to try the tripière adventure in their kitchen.

Franck Dervin’s crispy pig’s trotters pancake

Here is a relaxed variant, which gives pig’s trotters a makeover without losing its flavor. It has become the signature dish of Franck Dervin, associated with Karin Rouet, both former members of Guy Savoy, in the Parisian establishment Circonstances.

Preparation: 1 hour

Ingredients for 5 pancakes:

  • 2 pig’s feet
  • 1 carrot
  • half an onion,
  • a third of a celery stalk
  • 1 bay leaf
  • coarse salt
  • mignonette (coarsely cracked pepper)
  • ½ bunch of flat-leaf parsley, finely chopped
  • salt and pepper

Preperation :

After having cleaned them, cook in a pot the pig’s trotters covered with cold water.

When simmering, skim off and add the aromatic garnish (carrot, onion, celery stalk, bay leaf, salt and mignonette).

Cook between two and three hours depending on the size of the feet, they must be very tender, let cool and carefully bone.

Chop and add the parsley. Adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper.

Keep the preparation cool, so that it solidifies.

Cut the preparation into five portions, let melt in portion in a hot pan or on a plancha like a pancake. When the pig’s feet form a crust, turn over and let crisp.

Serve hot with a well-mustarded celery remoulade.

The cVeal sweetbread in a sautoir, butternut, oyster mushrooms and chestnuts from Andy Bouglé

The young chef of Château de Sacy, Andy Bouglé, works his sweetbreads the old-fashioned way, following the example of the Michelin-starred chef Richard Prouteau who trained him. Here he offers a seasonal version by combining them with oyster mushrooms (to be enjoyed until December).

Preparation time: 1 hour

Ingredients for 4 persons :

  • 600 g of sweetbreads
  • 1 kg of poultry carcasses (to find at the butcher)
  • aromatic garnish (a carrot, an onion, a leek)
  • 1 l of veal stock in powder
  • roux (butter + flour)
  • 1 butternut
  • 50 g of Muscovado sugar
  • 50 g butter
  • 0.5 l of liquid cream
  • 500 g oyster mushrooms
  • 250 g vacuum-packed chestnuts
  • 1 bunch of parsley
  • 1 shallot
  • 50 g of pumpkin seeds
  • 100 ml olive oil
  • salt

Make the meat juice

Brown the crushed poultry carcasses at 220 ° C in the oven for twenty minutes. In a large casserole dish, brown the minced aromatic garnish, then add your colored carcasses. Add the veal stock. Cook for 1 hour.

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