Three simple exercises to strengthen your arms as summer approaches

Only a few more months before summer, and you want to strengthen your arms before enjoying the beach in the best conditions. It is for this reason (and others) that the sports columnist of Well done for you, Akim Mzakar, came to deliver his advice and tips. These will allow everyone to erase a bat wing skin, that is to say a skin that tends to hang at arm level.

To have toned arms and drawn triceps, an essential solution according to the columnist: strengthening exercises. Akim Mzakar recommends on this subject a top 3 exercises to do, every two days at the rate of four sets and 20 repetitions for each movement.

The dips on the chair

The first exercise recommended by the columnist is the practice of dips, or double bars. “You are going to lean on a chair, a bench or a bed, put your legs in it, and the goal of the game is to put more power on your arms than on your legs. You are in a vacuum, you put your arms down and you push”, he explains, calling this exercise “upside down push-ups”.

Push-ups with arms clasped alongside the body

Moreover, the practice of traditional push-ups, on the ground, is also a good exercise. Akim Mzadar suggests performing them “with arms tight along the body to target the triceps, because depending on the position of the hands and the distance between the arms, you will target this or that part of the body”, explains the columnist. Concretely, it is necessary “to put the hands on both sides of the chest, the elbows glued to the ribs, and push”.

Kickback practice

Finally, the sports coach presents a third exercise, the kick back. “You take two bottles of water if you don’t have dumbbells, you fill them up to a litre. And standing up, you’re going to bend over 90 degrees, extend your elbow backwards and come back” , he explains. The columnist claims that “it’s when the arm is relaxed that the triceps is activated, so take your time and test the movement”.

Two mistakes to avoid in order not to have a bat arm

In addition to these three exercises, Akim Mzadar points out that there are two habits to banish from your daily life so as not to promote the appearance of bat arms. First, do not lose or gain weight suddenly. And, do not consume too many foods rich in saturated fats (butter, fresh cream, etc.).

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