Tidying tricks: 3 secrets of people Apartments that are always clean

cleanup tricks
3 secrets of people with clean homes

© Yulia Grigoryeva/shutterstock

Some people seem to have clean and tidy homes with ease. We learn these not-so-secret tricks and tips from them.

They exist: people with clean and tidy homes. Really! And we ask ourselves: how do they do it? And how do we do that? Here are three secrets that people with clean and tidy homes take to heart.

1. It’s easier to brush in between than all at once

What’s easier? A quick wipe over the stove and the work surface after cooking – or only days later, when everything has become encrusted? Of course, after cooking and a leisurely meal (especially late at night) you don’t feel like doing the dishes and cleaning everything. But: If you leave the whole thing alone, it only makes it worse and more difficult. And thanks to a phenomenon called procrastination, you end up putting off the annoying tasks for a longer time until you can’t do it anymore. But if you do the dishes, mountains of laundry and other household chores one after the other when they are due, you don’t accumulate a large mountain (in the truest sense of the word when it comes to dirty laundry) of seemingly unmanageable tasks. The same applies to putting away things that have a fixed place. If you tidy up in between and “on the go”, you have less to do in the end and save time for the nice things in life. And the household is suddenly much easier to manage.

Shhh! With this tidying rule, your apartment will always be tidy.

2. More stuff = more stuff to clean

You can take that literally. If you have more stuff, you have to tidy up and stow away more stuff – and clean more. Things in the kitchen in particular (especially those that aren’t stowed away in cupboards) collect dust and attract grease from grease splatters. And if you want to wipe the work surface, you first have to free it from all the things that have gathered on it. The same applies to furniture: anyone with a broom or vacuum cleaner is on the move, must first ensure that there are clear paths. Of course, this is not a request to throw all your belongings and furniture out of the apartment. But a critical look helps with the question: What do I really need? And what keeps me from keeping a room clean and tidy?

You don’t know what you can spare? Those are 10 things you probably have too much of, right?!

3. A bit of cheating is allowed – and helps a lot

Even super-tidy people don’t always have the time or inclination to do everything perfectly. But people with tidy homes always manage to create the illusion that everything is in the best order and cleanliness in their home. This is mainly due to the fact that they focus on the important rooms and corners. This means that they concentrate on the big picture – and only worry about the small corner or angle behind the door later. So if you are faced with the question “What do I start with?”, you should leave the room and close your eyes for a moment. Then enter the room with your eyes open and pay attention to where you look first. Not under the sofa, but on the sofa. Not on the bookshelf, but on the shelf. First work off areas that you can see and that catch the eye. If there is still time, take care of the things that do not immediately come to mind.

For emergencies: How to cheat clean your apartment in 15 minutes!


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