TikTok Music is officially launched, Spotify and Deezer better watch out

TikTok is about to shake up the music streaming market. Indeed, the social network has just launched TikTok Music, a brand new service designed to compete with Spotify, Deezer, Apple Music or Amazon Music. For now, this unique platform is available in Brazil and Indonesia, but an international launch remains open.

Credits: TikTok

While TikTok could soon launch into online commerce to compete with Amazon, the Chinese social network is now tackling a new market: that of music streaming.

Indeed, Byte-Dance, the parent company of TikTok, has just announced this Friday, July 7, 2023 the launch of TikTok Musica brand new music streaming platform by subscription, like Spotify, Apple Music or Deezer.

TikTok Music, the extension of TikTok

In truth, it is rather a logical continuation for TikTok, a social network already particularly focused on a musical experience and which allowed certain titles to come back to the fore thanks to excerpts that have gone viral. We remember, for example, the return to favor of the song Dreams by Fleetwood Mac thanks to a TikTok video by Nathan Apodaca, an American father.

With TikTok Music, the social network intends to improve “TikTok’s music discovery process, which is already renowned for boosting artists and creating hits, by helping users enjoy their favorite viral songs, offering them the ability to listen, download and share the tracks with their communities,” wrote ByteDance in a statement.

Also read: TikTok will launch Tako, its own ChatGPT-like artificial intelligence

Features similar to other platforms

According to the Chinese company, TikTok Music already offers several features:

  • Sync with TikTok : possibility to synchronize your TikTok and TikTok Music accounts to enjoy music from your favorite clips
  • Play TikTok Achievements : play the full versions of the most popular songs on TikTok
  • Discover more personalized music : swipe up and down to discover songs recommended for you
  • Find your music community : have your say in the comments, go behind the scenes and connect with music lovers like you
  • Real-time lyrics display
  • Creation of collaborative playlists with your friends
  • Importing your music library to play your music on TikTok Music
  • Searching for a song by entering lyrics
  • A Shazam-like feature to easily identify any song

TikTok Music presents itself as a subscription formula, without advertising, with the ability to download songs for offline listening. “We are excited about the possibilities TikTok Music offers to music lovers and artists, as well as its great potential to create value for the music industry,” assures ByteDance.

For now, this new platform is only available in Brazil and Indonesia. In Brazil, the subscription is billed at 3.49 dollars against 3.25 dollars on iOS in Indonesia and 2.96 dollars on Android (the 1st year at least). ByteDance has not yet given details regarding a possible international launch, including France.

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