TikTok takes drastic action


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Since the start of the school year, children born in 2010 have been the subject of a veritable cabal. A phenomenon born on TikTok which is growing and worries parents.

Going back to 6th grade is a crucial step for children. Leaving behind the cocoon of primary school, the new college students discover a very different environment of which they do not yet have all the codes. This year, it is the turn of children born in 2010 to enter college. And these children are the victims of an incomprehensible smear campaign on social networks carried by the hashtag # Anti2010. If this movement was born last spring, it has taken on a worrying scale since the beginning of September.
And, once is not custom, it is a video posted on Youtube which set fire to the powder. A video yet very good child posted by the young Pink Lilly in early August. In this video entitled “Pop It Mania”, we see two teenage girls dancing and singing Pop It fashion, chanting “born in 2010 and already on all trends”. The bad buzz was immediate since the video, viewed nearly 6 million times to date, has received more than 380,000 “thumbs down”.

A surge on Tik Tok and Twitter

Calls to insult students born in 2010 are multiplying on social networks, in particular on Tik Tok where hate hashtags are on the increase. These sixth-graders are thus victims of mockery, threats, and even are pushed around in the corridors. On TikTok, videos now number in the thousands and, if mockery between students has always existed, they take on a whole new turn here. Call to “annoy all sixths“, and to”display the ugliest 2010 outfits “, taunts about the tastes of these young teens who still have a foothold in childhood, the # anti2010 movement crystallizes tensions. Bullying 2.0 seems to have a bright future ahead of it.

The growing concern of parents and teachers

A few days before the start of the school year, a mother had expressed her concern on Twitter. “My daughter is worried about going to college on Monday because children born in 2010 would be the target of insults. It would be a Tiktok challenge (or knock knock). Does that mean anything to you? #marvelous world“, posted Anne Courtel on the social network. His call, relayed by La Voix du Nord, was emulated. Faced with the growing concern of parents, the management of some colleges took the bull by the horns. the tweet of a mom who shared the message sent by the principal of her children’s college. “Faced with our concern, that of our sixth grade students and their parents, we hope that you will be able to discuss with your children in order to make them aware of these practices. As of tomorrow, we will go to classrooms to warn students that sanctions will be taken against those who engage in these behaviors.“, can we read on this letter.

TikTok removes # Anti2010

This Friday, September 17, the TikTok application chose to remove content from the hashtag # Anti2010, which had already garnered more than 40 million views.
At the moment, published videos containing this hashtag are still available if you do a specific search, however, they can no longer be highlighted by the app’s algorithm. TikTok also specified, from BFMTV, that the videos containing this hashtag in description were going to be examined one by one in order to determine if they violate the rules, and to remove them if necessary.

On Twitter, Internet users decided to respond to the harassment by setting up a new movement: # BienvenueAux2010. A hashtag that quickly went viral, which now has several thousand shares.

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created on September 14, 2021