TikTok trend: This is why you should drink your coffee with lemon

TikTok trend
That’s why you should drink your coffee with lemon

In the video we tell you why you should give coffee with lemon a chance.

For many of us, a morning without coffee is unimaginable. You can find out why you should drink it with a splash of lemon juice in the video.

Whether black, with a dash of milk or a little sugar – when it comes to preparing coffee, everyone has their own preferences. But our favorite pick-me-up not only tastes very good, it can also be healthy – with or without lemon.

Coffee and lemon? This is behind the TikTok trend

What, seriously? Yes, we admit: some people will be put off by the idea of ​​drinking coffee with a little lemon juice. In the video we reveal why it is still recommended and what health benefits it is said to bring.

Sources used: healthline


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