Tiphaine Auzière: what “annoyed” her about her father

Wednesday March 6, Tiphaine Auzière will publish her novel Seats, inspired by stories of domestic violence, frequent in the context of justice. On this occasion, the 40-year-old lawyer gave an interview to Figaro. Brigitte Macron’s youngest daughter notably spoke of her desire for discretion, somewhat trampled by the career of her father-in-law, whom she loves very much, but also agreed to speak about the separation of her parents, which was somewhat brutal.

Asked about her childhood and the breakup of her father, André-Louis Auzière, the sister of Laurence and Sébastien returned to this period, when she was 10, when Emmanuel Macron and his mother became a couple. Frankly, she explained to our colleagues that she suffered from this separation. With tears in her eyes when she spoke on the subject, she said more about her father, “lost too soon” (he died on December 24, 2019), by revealing to have been “annoyed” that his “desire to remain anonymous” was not respected. “I heard a lot of criticism and remarks about the age difference between my mother and Emmanuel, about this couple which could appear atypical, especially in the provinces,” declared Tiphaine Auzière, annoyed by the bad language which attacked the feelings felt by the President and the first lady.

>> PHOTOS – Tiphaine Auzière, Brigitte Macron’s daughter, with family for election night

A daughter who adored her father and admires her stepfather

Despite everything, the daughter of Brigitte Macron, mother of two children (Élise and Aurèle, fruits of her love for her companion Antoine Choteau), assured that “that [l]’forged.’ “I learned to live with it and move past it because the love was there“, she explained, before opening up about the separation of her parents. “For any child, a divorce is very painful, but a blended family can also be an opportunity, there can be, regardless of blood ties, extremely strong bonds,” she said. “I was lucky enough to have a father and an extraordinary father-in-law“, she added tenderly.

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias

Photo credits: Stephane Lemouton / Bestimage

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