Tomorrow belongs to us: a flagship character soon to return in the series

Jennifer radier

Series editor

Every evening she travels between Sète, Calvières and Montpellier from her sofa. Tomorrow belongs to us, Here everything begins and Un si grand Soleil has almost no secrets for it.

Good news for fans of “Tomorrow belongs to us”: a flagship character of the series is about to make his comeback under the sun of Sète.

This is news that should delight fans of Tomorrow belongs to us. Tristan (Mathieu Alexandre), the former owner of the Spoon, is about to return to the successful daily TF1 soap opera.

After discovering the double life of his brother Sacha (Renaud Roussel) and the murders he perpetrated, Tristan saw his life turn upside down. Let us not forget either that the tragic death of Ulysses (Sébastien Capgras) during the hostage-taking of the Spoon had also pushed him to sell the most famous bar of Sète to Bart (Hector Langevin) and Louise ( Alexandra Naoum).

Since then, Tristan had left the city to turn the page on this terrible chapter of his life and had no longer appeared on our screens.

While the wave of successive departures of many characters did not bode well for the future of his character, Mathieu Alexandre, his interpreter, spoke on social networks last September to reassure fans on his return to the scene. series.

In an Instagram story, the actor announced: ” Tristan will come back. We don’t really know yet how but in any case it’s in writing. I can’t wait to find out too. I don’t know exactly in what tempo it will be done either. But in any case, he will come back! “.

Well ! it is now done since according to the information of our colleagues of Leisure TV, Tristan will return to sunny Sète from January 18th.

According to the official synopsis, his return to the little Venice of Languedoc, however, will not go as planned. Indeed, the former bartender will ” start a new job, but [sera] very quickly disappointedu “.

To discover the profession he will exercise as well as the adventures that will be reserved for him but also if his return will also correspond to that of Justine, the former escort with whom he shared his life, he will still have to be patient.

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