Tomorrow belongs to us: what awaits you in episode 1107 of Tuesday, January 25, 2022 [SPOILERS]

In the next episode of “Tomorrow belongs to us”… While Chloé fires Andréa, Jules is back in Sète. At the same time, Tristan no longer supports the attitude of Christelle and Sylvain.

Attention, the following paragraphs contain spoilers on the episode of Tomorrow belongs to us broadcast tomorrow evening on TF1! If you don’t want to know anything, don’t read on!

Tuesday January 25 in Tomorrow belongs to us…


Without news of their daughter, Chloé and Alex arrive at Andrea’s but no one answers. While they are worried, Chloe receives a call from the latter who informs her that he is in the hospital because Celeste has fallen. Without waiting, they go there and find with relief their daughter who comes out of it with a simple bump in the head.

Shortly after, Chloé asks to speak in private with Andréa to understand what happened. After having apologized to her for not having warned her earlier, the young man explains that the little girl hit her head while playing in her park. Although she understands that he was scared, Chloé however reproaches him for not having kept her informed.

The next day, Chloe made a big decision. No longer wanting Andréa to take care of Céleste, the mother, who no longer trusts him, terminates her contract for serious misconduct. When she asks him to return the keys, Andréa insists that she change her mind, arguing that she has a special bond with the little girl, but Chloé sticks to her guns. Furious, Andréa loses her temper and says that she will regret having treated him like this.

In shock, Chloe reports to Alex the threats made by Andrea. According to the oyster farmer, their nanny simply reacted out of anger, but Chloe can’t help but have a bad feeling.

Later, Chloé receives a visit from Flore. During the discussion, the latter indicates that she still has a little trouble being alone. Moved, she finds herself pathetic to move in with her son at her age and has the impression of having missed out on her life. Chloé then assures that this is not the case and affirms that this bad phase will eventually pass.

After dark, Chloe is in the kitchen talking to her daughter on the phone when she hears a loud noise coming from the living room. Arriving there, she discovers Céleste in tears with the back of her head bleeding.


At the police station, Nordine offers Martin to go have a drink at the end of the day in order to get to know each other better, which he accepts with pleasure.

Later, Virginie joins Martin at the police station to find out if he has made his decision for Lyon. Indeed, the lawyer intends to leave Sète to live with her son. If she wants her companion to follow her, unfortunately he cannot leave everything overnight, especially since he now has a son. Although she understands, Virginie nevertheless refuses to have a long-distance relationship and urges her to take the time to reflect.

At the end of the service, Martin and Nordine are getting ready to go have a drink when Jules arrives at the police station. As son Corkas invites him to dinner, Martin postpones his evening with Nordine to spend time with his stepson.

Once at the Spoon, Jules tries to convince him to come and settle in Lyon. Their relationship may have been complicated, but the young man considers the policeman as a father and would like him to join them so that they can all form a real family together. However, the situation is far from simple for Martin. He would love to follow them but his life has changed since the arrival of Nordine whom he really wants to get to know. An answer that Jules understands perfectly.


Christelle intends to create the Moreno Foundation, a charitable foundation which greatly appeals to Doctor Dumaze, who immediately offers his help to find donors for her. Certain that her friends could be very generous, the doctor enjoins her to organize a small welcome cocktail at her house. An idea that really excites the social worker, especially since she now has a home chef who can do everything.

Subsequently, Tristan studies Sylvain and Christelle’s proposals for the cocktail menu. Since they’ve decided to serve mini sandwiches, the chef suggests they do something fancier, but the couple prefers it simple.

In the afternoon, Tristan and Christelle have a coffee at Spoon after a shopping session. While he takes the opportunity to talk about the foundation’s evening menu, Vanessa intervenes and makes some suggestions that Christelle hastens to validate.

As Christelle praises the chef, Tristan points out to her that he had presented her with elaborate ideas. Immediately afterwards, Christelle indicates that she would like him to call her “Madame la Présidente” during the cocktail party, but that is too much for Sylvain. Refusing to continue working in such conditions, he packed his bags. While the Moreno couple beg him to stay, he accepts but warns that they are now on trial.

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