Toothache: These home remedies can relieve the pain

These home remedies can relieve the pain

Toothache can put a lot of strain on the entire body.

© Studio Romantic/

It is not always possible to get a doctor’s appointment straight away if you have a toothache. The pain can be relieved with these home remedies.

Whether tooth decay or an unpleasant gum infection: toothache can have a significant impact on everyday life – and often it comes at a completely inopportune moment. If you have to wait until you have an appointment with the dentist, you need an alternative to relieve the pain. Luckily, there are some home remedies that can help.

Gargle with tea tree oil, tea or salt water

Various oils have an antiseptic effect and can Relieve pain from inflammation. Tea tree oil, for example, has proven itself useful. Simply make a mouthwash with 250 milliliters of water and five drops of tea tree oil and use it. Attention: The tea tree oil should under no circumstances be swallowed!

Some types of tea also have an anti-inflammatory effect, such as peppermint, chamomile or sage. Simply pour on a sachet, let it cool and gargle with it. The cooled tea bag can also be placed on the affected area for a few minutes.

A homemade saline solution can also relieve pain and fight bacteria. To do this, dissolve a tablespoon of salt in a glass of warm water. Gargle salt water in your mouth for a maximum of two minutes and spit it out.

Oil pulling

The so-called oil pulling has proven itself as a home remedy for strong teeth and healthy gums. It helps to get rid of bacteria in the mouth and can also relieve pain in acute inflammation. Coconut oil, linseed oil, olive oil or sunflower oil are suitable. Clove oil is particularly suitable for sensitive teeth.

Simply put a tablespoon of oil in your mouth and move the oil back and forth in your mouth – from one side of your cheek to the other and through your teeth – for about 15 to 20 minutes. Then spit out the oil and rinse your mouth thoroughly with water.

Chew cloves

Clove oil is not the only miracle cure for toothache. Chewing on a clove with the affected tooth may also help. This has an anesthetic effect and relieves pain. If your gums hurt, clamp it between the tooth and the tooth.

Onion and garlic against bacteria

Onions and garlic are known home remedies for earaches. But they can also help very well with toothache. They kill bacteria and reduce inflammation.

Onions should be applied from the outside: It is best to cut them into small pieces, wrap them in a cloth and press them onto the cheek from the outside.

The garlic, on the other hand, works in the mouth: Peel and halve a clove and press it onto the painful area. Alternatively, chewing on the garlic clove can also help.


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