Top 20 of the most improbable first names refused by the Civil Registry in 2021


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The arrival of a newborn consists, for some couples, in finding the most original first name for their child. Fortunately, civil registrars keep watch so as not to miss anything and everything, as evidenced by INSEE files…

Find a name for the unborn child, here is a puzzle that all parents go through… There are those who make long lists, those who refer to top popular first names and those who involve the whole family in organizing giant brainstorming sessions. But now, for some parents, the search for a first name is not a quest for the ideal surname, but rather a challenge : that of finding THE first name that will stand out the flesh of their flesh and inscribe it in posterity.

Of course, there is a world between the parents who one day indulged in the most zany puns between their last name and the first name of their future toddler, and those who seriously consider bequeathing to their offspring a first name that is importunate because it is very embarrassing. Unfortunately for some children, these parents do indeed exist, and it is not we who say so, but INSEE registers : the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies keeps a national register of first names given to babies during the year… and whose some were refused by French civil registrars, because they are considered to be compromising for the future of the child.

The List of Shame

First name, it’s what follows you all your life : from entering kindergarten where it’s the first name you’ll have to know how to spell and write, to that first job where you really don’t want to be laughed at, to your first date where you wish you could whisper in your crush’s ear without blushing. With these few concrete situations in mind, Now try to imagine the future life of these poor children if the Civil Registry had not done its job, since here are 20 first names refused in 2021:

1. Strawberry
3. Abnormality
4. Titeuf
5. Prince William
6. Spongebob Squarepants
7. Excel
8. Metallica
9. Asterix
10. Spirou
12. Lucifer
13. Clafoutis
15. Anal
16. Mini Cooper
17. Daisygual
18. Flower of Mary
19. Folaavril
20. GM

Even if some first names refused in 2021 are much worse than others, we can agree that this list has something to leave doubtful, and wonder what could have passed through the minds of these unworthy parents!

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