Top 3 exercises to strengthen your pecs: Femme Today Le MAG

No muscle should be left behind in training. It is therefore out of the question to forget the pectorals which play an important role in our posture and our stability. Mourad Bendjelloul, sports coach in Paris, gives us 3 exercises to build muscle easily. His recommendations? One 15 to 20 minute exercise session twice a week. It's your turn !

Warm up before strengthening your pecs

Before starting a workout, the professional advises you to warm up for 5 to 10 minutes. The warm-up awakens and mobilizes all the joints, which will minimize injuries.

The easy exercises to strengthen your pecs at home

The dips

Then, he begins the session directly with dips, which strengthen the pectorals and triceps. Here he suggests doing 4 sets of 10 reps with 30 seconds of rest between each set. For this exercise you will need a chair.

Starting position: Position yourself on either side of the chair, with your hands resting on them.

Movement : Bend the knees and descend until the arms are parallel to the floor. Return to the initial position.

Breathing: You inhale as you descend to the floor and exhale as you come back up to the starting position.

Strengthen your pecs without equipment: knee pumps

Then he recommends doing the knee push-ups. He suggests doing 3 sets of 10 repetitions with 45 seconds or even 1 minute of rest between each set. For this exercise, you will not need any materials.

Starting position: In a push-up position, place your hands far in front of you. You can cross your legs if you wish.

Movement : Bend your elbows at 90 ° C, lowering your torso to the floor. Engage the pelvis well and squeeze the glutes.

Breathing : Exhale on the ascent, inhale on the descent.

For the seasoned, you can do push-ups on the toes.

Chair pumps

Last exercise recommended by the professional: chair push-ups. A more difficult exercise, which is why he suggests 3 sets of 10 reps with 1 min of rest between each set. For this exercise you will need a chair.

Starting position: Place both tiptoes on a chair while putting yourself in a push-up position, placing your hands far in front of you.

Movement : Bend your elbows at 90 ° C, lowering your torso to the floor. Engage the pelvis well and tighten the glutes and the abdominal belt. Here, pay attention to his back.

Breathing : Exhale on the ascent, inhale on the descent.

For the seasoned of the seasoned, you can use a very solid table or bar. The lower you descend, the more difficult the exercise and the more work on the pecs.

The importance of stretching after working your pecs

The session is over. What about stretching? "It is essential to stretch whatever the physical activity practiced". However, it's best to wait 48 hours after a workout to stretch. And for good reason, stretching may accentuate the small lesions created by the workout.

thanks to Mourad Bendjelloul, sports coach in Paris !

Discover the easy exercises to build your pecs

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