Top 5 legal defense weapons

Being able to defend yourself in all circumstances has a reassuring side. Moreover, there are many authorized weapons to allow you to face a possible aggression during your activities or outings. Zoom on the best accessories to keep on you.

The tear gas bomb

The tear gas canister is a practical and easy to use means of defence. If it comes in several models, its main asset is its compact size. It can therefore easily be stored in one of the compartments of your bag. This type of defense accessory contains an irritant product causing a burning sensation on contact with the eyes. Its duration of action is 10 minutes. In the majority of cases, it is based on a natural substance such as pepper. Some products also contain UV marking dyes to help identify the attacker. To use tear gas canisters to defend themselves thus gives you the possibility of getting out of a delicate situation thanks to a simple gesture. Find the model you need at

electric shockers

Electric shockers project an electric shock, just like the taser. However, they are less powerful and take the form of innocuous everyday objects. They emit an electric arc of 2 to 10 million volts, enough to paralyze the attacker for a few minutes. The use of an electric shocker, however, requires a certain skill, because it must not come into contact with vital areas. In addition, the contact time should not exceed 3 seconds to prevent irreversible effects.

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The defense stick

The defense stick is highly valued for its maneuverability. It comes in two models, namely the telescopic baton, steel-based, and the non-retractable baton. The Telescopic Baton is available in three sizes: Standard, Holster and Pouch. Although both are easy to handle, the baton is made of plastic or polymer. If it is mainly used by law enforcement, nothing prevents you from using it as defense weapon personal. However, its downside is its bulk, as the baton will struggle to slip into a purse.

The automatic knife

The automatic knife is considered a bladed weapon. It deploys quickly and is operated with one hand. There are several models of knives, with a different locking system. Some models have a rotating ring system, while others have a pump system or an internal detent. In addition, modern knives are relatively light in order to provide more comfort in the hand. Thanks to its shape, the automatic knife is easy to store. However, it should be noted that it is a weapon that can cause serious injury, hence the importance of avoiding vital areas.

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The kubotan

Better known to martial arts practitioners than to the public, the kubotan can nevertheless become a personal defense weapon for everyone. Indeed, it is one of the simplest accessories to use. Its shape, which is similar to that of a pen, allows it to strike fairly violent blows, enough to deter an attacker.

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