Toulouse: unemployed people scammed by a fake company

They thought they were about to get a nice Christmas present. As the story goes The Dispatch, a dozen job seekers were fooled by a fake offer published a week before Christmas. A clearly well-crafted affair, because according to information from our colleagues, the offer seemed very real. Published on a specialized site, it referred to the website of a practitioner and offered a post of “versatile administrative secretary”. You just had to send back a few documents.

This is what a woman looking for a job did, contacted by La Dépêche, who believed she had the right to a formal meeting after sending her CV and identification. Before her appointment, however, she is asked to “attach her RIB and proof of address”, but when she arrives there, she is not alone. In front of the door of the doctor’s office, a dozen people are already waiting. After waiting a few minutes, job seekers try to reach the professional. In vain. He was on vacation, she explains.

>> To read also – Personal training account: scams, help from Pôle emploi… the balance sheet of the Caisse des Dépôts

A hacked practitioner

The various candidates engage in discussion and quickly understand that they are certainly victims of a scam insofar as the link of the advertisement no longer exists and the practitioner’s mailbox no longer responds. “We understood that he had undoubtedly been hacked”, testifies this woman looking for a job. Beyond the disappointment of having applied for a fictitious job, applicants are mostly angry and scared because they have all given documents that were personal to them.

Whether it is bank details, proof of address or identity papers, crooks could do anything with this data. Some fear that we “empty their accounts”, others that we “take out loans on their behalf”. Some of the victims intend to lodge a complaint. For their part, the authorities recommended to be vigilant in the face of this type of situation and to promote the transmission of personal documents to a future employer in person.

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