Trailer Thor 4: Guardians of the Galaxy and Natalie Portman in the first images of Love and Thunder

Less than three months from its theatrical release, the fourth part of the Thor saga is finally unveiled with some superheroic surprises.


On this Easter Monday, Thor 4, expected on July 13, finally delivers its first trailer. Enough to satisfy fans worried about having had nothing to eat since the launch of the Love and Thunder project five years ago. This absence of a trailer was explained in particular by the addition of last minute reshoots.

In these first images shifted and sublimated by the Sweet Child O’ Mine from Guns N’ Roses, Star-Lord (Chris Pratt) and his Guardians of the Galaxy appear alongside the Norse god of thunder, still played by Chris Hemsworth. We also see Korg, played by Taika Waititi, director of Ragnarok and this fourth part of the Marvel saga, Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson) and from behind Zeus, the supreme Greek god played by Russell Crowe.

But the most striking appearance remains that of Natalie Portman who makes her big comeback here as Jane Foster, the new goddess of thunder decked out with her hammer Mjöllnir. On the other hand, Gorr, the Slayer of the gods, played by Christian Bale, is missing. No doubt it will be teased in a second trailer.

If the plot is mostly kept secret, we know that it will be partly based on the arc of the comics entitled The Mighty Thor, written by Jason Aaron. While waiting for the release of this summer blockbuster, fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe will be able to discover Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness in theaters on May 4.

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