Travel warning lifted – but in these countries vaccination certificate does not count

The European Union and its member states have simplified entry requirements within the Union. Since July 1st, travelers only need their vaccination certificate (digital or in paper form), health records (digital or paper form) or a negative rapid test when entering and leaving the country. According to the current status, PCR tests are also accepted.

This is intended to give those who have not been vaccinated, those who have recovered, and those who have been completely vaccinated the same rights. There is no quarantine or test obligation for travelers. In some countries, however, travelers may be asked to do a quick test on arrival.

There are high risk areas and virus mutation areas

Exceptions are so-called high-risk areas or virus mutation areas. High-risk areas are regions and locations where the incidence is over 200 per 100,000 inhabitants. If certain variants of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus occur widespread in places, the region is considered a virus mutation area.

What do travelers have to consider?

The situation is still dynamic. Depending on the incidence situation, regions can be classified as high-risk areas. Experts do not expect EU countries to be classified in virus mutation areas in the near future. Risk areas (from an incidence of 50 per 100,000 inhabitants) no longer exist. All restrictions for these areas have been lifted within the EU.

There are tougher regulations for high-risk areas and virus mutation areas.

High risk areas: Anyone who is not fully vaccinated has to be in quarantine. The ten-day isolation can be shortened to five days with a negative result.

Virus mutation areas: When traveling from virus mutation areas, vaccinated, convalescent and non-vaccinated persons are subject to a 14-day quarantine. A shortening through testing is not possible. Vaccination or recovery is also irrelevant.

“Virus mutation area”: ​​In these countries the vaccination certificate does not count

So-called virus mutation areas include (as of July 6): Botswana, Brazil, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi Mozambique, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa and Uruguay. A vaccination certificate is not important in these countries. All travelers must adhere to a 14-day quarantine upon arrival in Germany.

Up to and including July 6, Great Britain, India, Nepal and Portugal are also counted as virus mutation areas. The status will change to high risk area from July 7th.

“High-risk area”: ​​In these countries, non-vaccinated people have to be quarantined

For (as of July 6) about Egypt, Argentina, Bahrain, Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Iran, Colombia, Kuwait, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Nepal, Oman, Paraguay, Peru, Russia, Seychelles, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Tanzania, Trinidad, Tobago and Tunisia have a quarantine obligation for non-vaccinated people. Vaccinated and convalescents should definitely have their evidence with them on arrival.

From July 7th, Great Britain, India, Nepal and Portugal will also count as high risk areas.

There is a general warning against tourist and unnecessary trips to high-risk areas. As a rule, travelers have the right to cancel free of charge. The prerequisite is that the desired travel destination was not considered a high-risk area during the booking period.

Greece, Spain, France as virus mutation areas?

In principle, travelers should keep an eye on the incidence figures for the desired travel destination before departure. Important to know: So far, countries were classified first as high-risk areas and then as virus mutation areas. If the incidence jumps to over 200 per 100,000, travelers should inform themselves regularly about the course of the infection situation. Then the resort is considered a “high risk area”.

The travel traffic light from FOCUS Online provides an overview:

At the same time it is true that vacation countries live from the important economic branch of tourism. As a result, regions in the Mediterranean took tough action early on. In Greece (the average incidence is just under 49), testing has been mandatory for non-vaccinated people on domestic journeys on ferries or airplanes since July 5th.

In addition, according to the Greek media, compulsory testing for non-vaccinated drivers is under discussion. The idea: When traveling within at least two regions, a negative test should be necessary on expressways and tollbooths.

The incidence is also increasing in France. Again, the government is taking tougher measures for non-vaccinated people. A compulsory vaccination should be under discussion.

Spain is also arming itself against increasing infections. In Mallorca, the incidence is currently over 80. The first authorities are talking about curfew and exit restrictions.

Do you want an even deeper understanding?

Well informed through the crisis with our Corona guide: Experts explain what you now need to know about Covid-19.