Trend workout planking: 3 great variations

Trend workout planking
3 variations for a firm stomach

© Veles Studio / Shutterstock

A firm stomach – no problem thanks to planking! And with these 3 variations of the power exercise, you can make your workout even more effective!

Are you looking for a quick and effective full-body workout? Then you should put planking at the top of your sporty to-do list! Planks are honestly really exhausting, but they are worth it – because they demand several muscle groups and thus ensure a toned body in a very short time. And with a few variations, you can make them even more effective!

3 planking variations for a tight stomach

You want to tighten your stomach, arms and legs? Then try these planking variations:

1. One hand plank

Not only The One Hand Plank is a real power exercise for your stomach, but also for your upper body and arms! And this is how she goes:

  • Push yourself off the floor with your toes and arms outstretched.
  • Make sure your wrists are under your shoulders. The back stays straight. Shoulders, hips and ankles should form a line, the abdomen is drawn in.
  • Extend one arm straight ahead and hold the position briefly.
  • Then swing your arm outwards 90 degrees and hold this position as well.
  • Drop back down and swap arms.

In total, the exercise should be performed five times on both sides.

2. One Leg Plank

What’s good for your arms can’t be bad for your legs either! The One Leg Plank not only trains the stomach, but also the lower body and the legs. How it works:

  • Push yourself back up off the floor with your toes and your outstretched arms.
  • Make sure your wrists are under your shoulders. The back stays straight. Shoulders, hips and ankles should form a line, the abdomen is drawn in.
  • Now raise one leg and hold it in a straight line with your shoulders and buttocks in the air for a moment.
  • Put the leg down and switch sides.

Repeat the exercise five times on both sides.

3. Elbow Leg Plank

In addition to the stomach, the Elbow Leg Plank primarily challenges the buttocks and legs. This is how the exercise works:

  • The starting position is the same as for the other two exercises: push yourself up with your toes and your outstretched arms.
  • The wrists are again under the shoulders, the back remains straight. Shoulders, hips and ankles should form a line, the abdomen is drawn in.
  • Now bend one leg to the opposite elbow. Be careful not to slip into a hollow back!
  • Hold the position briefly, then step down and switch legs.

This exercise should also be repeated five times.

No chance for frustration

But speaking of repetitions: Planks require a certain basic level of fitness, so don’t worry if you can’t do the required reps right away. Just do as many as you can, and most importantly, keep at it every day – then your strength will gradually increase and you’ll be able to do more reps over time.


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