Tribute to the French victims of Hamas: the presence of LFI would be “indecency, dishonor”, ​​assures Aurore Bergé


Alexandre Bozio
modified to

9:50 a.m., February 7, 2024

On Wednesday, a national tribute must be paid by Emmanuel Macron to the 42 French victims who died during the Hamas attack against Israel on October 7. But the presence of certain LFI elected officials at this ceremony, despite the opposition of the victims’ families, is controversial. “It’s cynicism,” said Aurore Bergé, the minister responsible for equality between women and men, on the set of La Grande interview Europe 1-CNews.

Four months to the day after the Hamas attack on Israel which left more than 1,160 victims, President Emmanuel Macron will pay national tribute to the 42 French people who lost their lives during this bloody attack. This ceremony is to be held at Les Invalides, which will begin at 11:45 a.m. in the presence of 1,000 people, including the families of the victims. But it is above all the presence of certain elected officials from France Insoumise which would cause controversy, while their party refuses to qualify Hamas as a terrorist organization and their participation in this ceremony is very frowned upon by those close to the victims.

“How can you imagine going to a tribute which is primarily for murdered French people, when the families themselves ask you not to come?”, asked Aurore Bergé, the minister responsible for Equality. between women and men, on the set of La Grande interview Europe 1-CNews. As a reminder, protocol requires the president to invite all political forces represented in the National Assembly to this type of event, who are then free to attend.

“The risk is that LFI erases the tribute”

For the former Minister of Solidarity and Families in the government of Élisabeth Borne, the presence of rebellious elected officials would be “indecency, dishonor and cynicism.” She also wanted to recall the positions taken by France Insoumise on the subject of Israel over the last four months. “We must look at what LFI has said continuously, namely refusing to qualify Hamas as a terrorist organization, pointing out Israel before pointing out the responsibility of those who struck and who brutally murdered children, babies, women , old men.”

But at the microphone of Sonia Mabrouk, Aurore Bergé insisted on one point: this day of commemoration should not revolve around La France insoumise. “The risk is that LFI erases the tribute and that in the end, we only remember the controversy of those who are present or not.”

“Let’s talk about the tribute, let’s talk about these 42 French people who were murdered,” she continued. “Let’s talk about our three compatriots who are still held hostage, let’s talk about the hundreds of women who were mutilated, who were raped, who suffered absolutely terrible abuses. Let’s talk about the survivors.”


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