Trump asks Supreme Court to block transfer of documents to Commission on Assault on Capitol Hill

Former US President Donald Trump on Thursday asked the Supreme Court to block the transfer of documents to a parliamentary committee tasked with shedding light on his role in the January 6 assault by his supporters on the Capitol. Lawyers for the Republican billionaire have asked the highest court in the United States to overturn a decision taken in early December by a federal appeals court, which rejected its attempt to keep the records of the White House confidential. The appeal paved the way on December 9 for the transfer of hundreds of pages of documents to the parliamentary committee investigating the attack on the US Congress. However, she had left him fourteen days to appeal to the Supreme Court, which the former president therefore did in extremis.

Donald Trump, who remains central in his camp and does not rule out running for the 2024 presidential election, wants to keep these archives secret, including among other things the lists of people who visited him or called him on January 6, whom he calls for a parliamentary commission in the hands of the Democrats. This “special commissionOf the House of Representatives was set up to assess the role played by Donald Trump and his entourage in the attack carried out by thousands of his supporters on the seat of Congress to try to prevent elected officials from certifying the victory of his Democratic opponent Joe Biden in the presidential election.

The former president, who denies any responsibility for the attack, denounces “a political gameAnd refuses to collaborate. He took legal action in the name of a prerogative of the executive power to keep his communications confidential, even in the event of summons issued by Congress and “even after the end of his term“. Donald Trump announced this week that he would hold a press conference on January 6, repeating – without merit – that the November 2020 election was stolen from him.

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