Turmoil in the regional league – Masonry boss suspects fraud by his own players

When the “Krone” reached Mustafa Elnimr on Sunday afternoon and asked him about his misery as bottom of the Eastern League, he grumbled: “I’m not feeling well! Not because of sports – we suspect fraud.” The emotional masonry boss has often made people sit up and take notice – but fraud? “Yes! A few players, especially from the Balkans, bet against us,” said the Egyptian, who did not name any names, referring to the duels against Oberwart (0:3), Violets (1:6) and the 0:8 on Saturday against Traiskirchen. “Afterwards, an ex-player of ours called me and told me that a suspect had told him something.” Could it just be a rumor? “No. Money was also gained this way. We have already hired a lawyer and will of course file a complaint.” The association should be informed about this.

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