TV Soaps: Gerry competes in “Sturm der Liebe” at the golf tournament

TV soaps
Gerry competes in the golf tournament in “Storm of Love”

“Storm of Love”: Shirin and Erik (center) wish Gerry the best of luck for the golf tournament.

© ARD / Jenrick Mielke

In “Sturm der Liebe” Gerry still competes in the golf tournament. Ina gets wind of the flirtation between Isabelle and Yannick in “Alles was haben”. At “GZSZ” Tobias wants to send Moritz on a business trip to Madrid.

2:10 p.m., First: Red Roses

Jule wants to write a report about her father as the “modern man”. Thomas realizes that Jule will probably not only mention his best sides. When Jule asks if he doesn’t want to come to Brazil with her, Thomas is amazed. Katrin looks to the future in good spirits, but struggles with the fact that she is still not quite fit. Meanwhile, Florian makes it clear to his daughter that she should stay with him and Anke.

3:10 p.m., The First: Storm of Love

Shirin manages to convince Gerry to take part in the golf tournament. The first day of the tournament goes well for him, but then he learns that he has to face Dexter Torrence the next day, which keeps him awake at night. After Alfons and André almost want to give up their search for the thief, Ariane comes to Alfons at reception and wears Hildegard’s necklace around her neck. It turns out that the thief sold it to a jeweler in Bad Tölz, where Ariane bought it.

5:30 p.m., RTL: Between us

Tobias does everything to be there for Easy, to get Ringo out of prison and Julius out of the home. The next bad news is promptly waiting. Britta has no idea that she is fueling Robert’s fear when she makes fun of his age-related problems. She also shows her colors to make amends. Nika fears that Conor will make her secret relationship with Paco public, but his reaction is extremely surprising.

7:05 p.m., RTL: Everything that counts

Jenny and Maximilian try their best to reach an agreement in the course of their project, but Justus interferes and the matter threatens to break up. Meanwhile, Isabelle enjoys secretly flirting with Yannick. But then Ina gets wind of the matter. When she learns that something is going on between the two, she makes an announcement to Isabelle.

7:40 p.m., RTL: Good times, bad times

Nina not only saved Katrin from a precarious situation, with a bluff she also manages to get her customer to rent the two floors. Katrin is impressed. Luis prevents Moritz from confessing his faux pas and draws the blueprints. Meanwhile, Tobias sees through the two’s move, and Moritz is supposed to go on a business trip to Madrid – but leaving is the last thing Moritz wants.


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