TV Soaps: Moritz comes under pressure in "GZSZ"

TV soaps
Moritz comes under pressure in "GZSZ"

"GZSZ": Moritz (r.) Is put under pressure by Nils

© TVNOW / Rolf Baumgartner

Tatjana gives Hendrik a basket in "Rote Rosen". Isabelle is planning a new start in Munich for "Alles Was geht". In "GZSZ", Nils puts Moritz under pressure because of the debt.

2:10 p.m., First: Red Roses

Hendrik tells Ben with amusement the simple tricks he uses to win over women. In fact, Tatjana succumbs to one of them. While Britta has a hard time bearing Hendrik adding another woman to his collection, Tatjana backs off at the last second. David and Amelie argue about the best concept for the tender for the jewelry exchange. Mona makes it unusually tough to them that they should pull together in the interests of the hotel.

3:10 p.m., The First: Storm of Love

Although Maja has sworn off men, she enjoys the exuberant wedding party and danced the night away with Florian. When he accompanies her home early in the morning, she follows a spontaneous impulse and tries to approach him. In the late evening of the wedding celebration, Selina and Christoph kiss again. Ariane doesn't like the fact that her best friend kisses the man who is her declared archenemy.

5:30 p.m., RTL: Between us

After the tires on the car of the shared apartment were stabbed, Easy and Ringo are pretty sure that Timo has to be behind it. However, they are horrified to discover that the perpetrator was someone else. The condom failure with Luke confronts Sina with the question of how she will use contraception in the future. The solution is medically simple, but there is definitely an emotional component.

7:05 p.m., RTL: Everything that counts

Isabelle decides to leave her life in Essen behind and start over in Munich. But then Finn asks her to stay. Vanessa could not settle her argument with Christoph, and then Yannick also reproaches her for having operated on him against his will. Deniz is still strictly against switching to pair skating, and initial training seems to confirm his view.

7:40 p.m., RTL: Good times, bad times

The events made Rosa think, and Felix is ​​overwhelmed when she approaches him in an unusually motherly manner. When Felix looks too deep into the whiskey glass alone at night, it has fatal consequences. Although Nihat is still under suspicion by the police, Moritz ignores his guilty conscience. But the noose around his neck tightens when Nils pressures him to pay off his debts.
