TV soaps: Philipp hopes for Ana in “Sturm der Liebe”.

TV soaps
Philipp hopes for Ana in “Storm of Love”.

“Storm of Love”: Philipp becomes thoughtful when Ana makes it clear how painful it is for her to see him.

© ARD/WDR/Christof Arnold

In “Red Roses” Leyla receives a devastating diagnosis. In “Storm of Love” Philipp gains new hope for a relationship with Ana. In “Among Us” Lucie suffers from double stress between work and distance learning.

2:10 p.m., First thing: Red roses

Leyla’s persistent shoulder pain proves to be serious despite medication, and after a An MRI scan diagnosed a tendon rupture, which would ruin her participation in the Olympics. Valerie and Franka find each other again after a long time, but a thoughtless comment from Valerie about Franka’s debts briefly puts a strain on the relationship. Valerie apologizes to her sister with a loving gift.

3:10 p.m., The First: Storm of Love

Ana takes the blame for breaking precious wine bottles in order to ease Philip’s heartbreak. But despite the loss of the wines, Katja’s replacement offer convinced the important juror Finkenstein so much that he gave a positive recommendation for the “Fürstenhof”. Werner takes advantage of the situation to temporarily extend Ana’s contract at the “Fürstenhof”, which causes Philipp to renew his hopes for Ana when he learns that she had quit.

5:30 p.m., RTL: Among us

Tobias is relieved when Vivien’s quarantine ends, but quickly realizes how much he misses Leo in the office. A new client causes distraction. Easy spends a carefree last evening with Charlotte, but becomes careless and commits a petty crime while Ringo desperately needs his help. Ringo is frustrated that Benedikt has broken the contract with Patrizia and seeks contact with her without Benedikt’s knowledge.

7:10 p.m., RTL: Everything that counts

Jenny and Kilian are in an intense power struggle over a patent for a bone nutrient solution. The question of who will prevail remains open. Imani doubts whether her former patient might expect more from her. Lucie is overwhelmed by the double burden of work and distance learning, which prompts Richard to find a solution for her.

7:40 p.m., RTL: Good times, bad times

Jonas is about to spoil a surprise about the new apartment. Toni puts Erik under pressure with more lies that risk being exposed.


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