Twitter Communities: Group function also available on Android

The short message service Twitter has now released the group function that is already available in the web version and iOS for Android. Twitter wants to offer people with similar interests a private space for exchange, in which only group members can read along. To use Twitter Communities on Android, the app needs to be updated to version 9.26.0.

As soon as users want to join a Twitter group and they click the “Join” button, a reference to the group rules appears – the user agrees to these by joining.


Community on Twitter (Image: Twitter)

So far there have been groups on Twitter on topics such as Wordle, fashion, design, astrology, XBox, R&B music and Twitter Spaces. If you would like to set up a group on Twitter yourself, you can fill out a form for this purpose. In addition to a Twitter account, an e-mail address is required for this. In addition, users must Provide information about the group topic and the possible target group.

Administrators should be able to decide whether the Joining by invitation takes place, or whether the group is open to everyone. Anyone who violates the guidelines can then removed from the community will. In addition, the Group policies also editable.

Twitter had already presented the communities, which are reminiscent of group functions on other platforms such as Reddit or Facebook, in autumn 2021. Shortly thereafter, the feature was initially released for iOS.


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