Twitter Treasures: "My poor husband… apparently he has an illness that prevents him from closing closet doors"

Relationship life is not always as rosy as social media and co. show us. Are you familiar with that?

Cuddling, sex, good conversations – yes, most of the time a relationship looks like this, but let’s be honest: Every now and then we argue with our partner like we do with siblings or we’re so annoyed that we prefer our seven want to pack things.

These tweets are wonderfully honest about what a relationship can look like.

“Dating: I can’t believe we have so much in common.

Marriage: Please don’t watch your stuff under my Netflix profile!”

You know your relationship has progressed when you watch different shows in separate rooms.

“My poor husband. It must be bloody awful to have an illness that seems to prevent him from closing a closet door after opening it.”

However, sympathy for this disease is limited.

“I asked my husband to help me put the laundry away and of course he is now hanging up the shelves he was supposed to be putting up 8 months ago.”

But don’t complain! A win is a win.

“Half the problems in marriage wouldn’t occur if it was illegal for more than one person to be in the kitchen.”

Or if no one is allowed to talk…

“My girlfriend dreamed that I cheated on her and now I’m going shopping with her to apologize.”

Can he make it up to you?

“My husband always prefers to talk during the show I’m watching.”

He doesn’t seem particularly interested in the fact that the season finale of The Bachelor is on.

“The partner says, ‘Don’t watch an episode without me,’ putting you in a moral quandary.”

What, we haven’t seen each other for a week? It’s so exciting right now…

“My husband and I had a silent argument. Just lots of sighs and deep breaths.”

How else are you supposed to tell him you’re annoyed? *sigh*

“My husband: *has the hiccups for over an hour*

Me: *writes his eulogy*”

It’s his own fault.

“Noisily emptying the dishwasher at 6:30 am is the best way to get credit for it”

The early bird catches the worm …

“I didn’t have any plans today. My wife found out and man, I had a lot of plans today that I didn’t know about.”

Muck out the basement, wash the car, drive to Ikea together, install the new lamp and and and…

“Husband: *texts me* Is there any chance we can skip the dinner party tonight?

Me: *already in my pyjamas* If that’s what you really want.”

But only because he wants to…

“(On the phone with my mother)

Me: What’s your secret for 55 years of marriage?

Mom: We never hated each other on the same day.”

Well, if only it were that easy.

“Whenever I’m upset with my husband, I just put more shampoo bottles in our shower. Currently there are 47.”

This will drive him crazy.

“‘You have the TV to yourself today’ is literally the sexiest text message you can get from your partner.”

Finally you can watch your TV show without having to constantly hear annoying comments from your partner.


Also my wife: will you breathe like this for the whole trip?”

Does he have to breathe so loudly?

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