two huge leaks that sell dreams

FF7 Rebirth promises simply colossal content, and we clearly have proof of this thanks to a new leak. In addition, a big surprise seems to await us in a few days.

FF7 Rebirth promises mountains and wonders. Unlike the first chapter of the remake released in 2020, this sequel promises to be massive. At the same time, we are dealing with an open world, and not a primarily linear progression. The content will therefore necessarily be more substantial. And in fact, we have just had proof of this thanks to two leaks which have made big revelations. One of them will surely interest you, since it sells us the possibility of playing the game before its release.

FF7 Rebirth is going to be colossal, make room!

At the time of writing these lines, it is February 2, 2024. We have been impatiently awaiting this month, since it marks the release of FF7 Rebirth on the 29th. We are literally on the home stretch, and we can say that that’s exciting. But that doesn’t stop the community from continuing to provide information about the game via leaks, among other things. We have just learned some major information about the title thanks to the PlayStationSize insider. This is the weight of the suite, estimated at around 145 GB.

It’s simply titanic, but it doesn’t really surprise us. Already, because AAAs now tend to be pretty damn heavy. FF7 Rebirth is no exception to the rule, even if we have to take what we are told with a grain of salt. As such, Square Enix hasn’t confirmed anything, so it’s best not to jump ahead too quickly. On the other hand, the leaker in question is not his first attempt. It was he who revealed the size of Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade ahead of its release. So, can we trust him? We will surely have the answer shortly.

For information, you will normally have two days to download it before its arrival. Indeed, the FF7 Rebirth page on the PlayStation Store was recently updated, and it indicated that we would be able to complete its download from February 27. No need to go look for it yourself, because today the information has disappeared from the page. Either way, PlayStationSize has another surprise in store for us.

A demo is coming

FF7 Rebirth was one of those absent from PlayStation’s latest State of Play. Finally, he did make an announcement, but it was not the one we expected. We were only told that another SoP was going to take place on February 7, 2024, at 12:30 a.m., and that it will be entirely dedicated to the game. Well, at that time, a demo will probably be deployed. In any case, that’s what the insider tells us, and it agrees with the hypotheses of a large part of the community. For many, we will necessarily have access to a demo, hence the fact that Sony was talking about announcements “ exciting ones that you won’t want to miss. » We’ll see next week if the rumors are true.

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