Two Lungau residents – the first digital ski cellar is on the hunt for prey

Sports Remember uses an app to help skiers find skis and boots they have rented. The goal for the second winter is: 25,000 customers.

Once you have found the right ski boots and the appropriate slats, you will want to use them again next time. This is clear when buying, but not when borrowing! If there is a summer between the first and second time you rent, things get really complicated. The search starts again. An application (app) for mobile phones from Sports Remeber can help. Patrick Lengdorfer and Andreas Rest from Lungau had a great idea: “We have years of experience in the sporting goods trade and know customer concerns,” explains Lengdorfer. “Anyone who downloads our app and borrows something from the cooperation partner will find the same equipment the next time, or will receive a suitable alternative thanks to the data!” The application celebrates its first birthday on December 28th. “We’re hoping for 25,000 downloads this winter,” says the 34-year-old from Lengdorf. Using the app is free. Sports Remember receives money from cooperation partners – from the ski hut to the ski rental to the hotel. They want to soon be represented everywhere in German-speaking countries – entry into the cross-country skiing business is planned for next winter.
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