Two speeders caught – 160 instead of 70: Now first motorcycle confiscated

The police caught two speeders within minutes in the Lilienfeld district (Lower Austria): one biker was traveling at 160 km/h – more than twice as fast as permitted – the other was traveling at almost 140 km/h. In both cases the driver’s license is gone!

A biker was traveling at a speed of 160 km/h instead of the permitted 70 km/h on Friday afternoon on the open road near Rainfeld in St. Veit an der Gölsen coming from the direction of Kalte Kuchl. Man stopped in the local area The young speeder caught the attention of the police as part of a priority check in the Lilienfeld district . The 24-year-old was stopped by officers in the local area. He first got rid of his driver’s license and also his motorcycle. Just 15 minutes later, the next speeder: This time a biker from the Baden district was traveling at 139 km/h. His driver’s license was also confiscated on the spot.
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