Tyler Perry: Duchess Meghan treated him “like a therapist”.

Tyler Perry
Duchess Meghan treated him “like a therapist”.

Tyler Perry has spoken about his friendship with Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry spoke.

© lev radin/Shutterstock.com

Actor, director and producer Tyler Perry (54) has apparently become a kind of “therapist” for Duchess Meghan (42) after “Megxit”. The 54-year-old revealed this to presenter Kelly Ripa (53) According to US media reports on a recent episode of her “Let’s Talk Off Camera” podcast on SiriusXM.

Perry offered the Duke and Duchess of Sussex his property in Beverly Hills in 2020 after they broke away from the royal family in Great Britain and wanted to move to the USA. “Everyone thought Oprah had introduced us, but Oprah didn’t even know I had contacted them,” Perry said. Meghan and he would have had a common publicist, that would have connected them.

“People in this business need a safe place”

Tyler Perry also said he sent Meghan and Harry a message telling them: “If you ever need anything, I’m here for you.” Months later, Meghan called “and just talked to me like I was a therapist and we just had a great conversation,” he added.

He also said on the podcast: “It’s very important for people in this business to have a safe place to land, a place where they can trust and speak freely and receive advice that isn’t biased or from someone who wants something from them.”

“They were so happy”

The media mogul claimed that Harry and Meghan had been “hiding out at my house for a long time.” It was “so great,” remembers Tyler Perry. Nobody noticed anything for weeks. “They were so happy. It was such a beautiful moment,” Perry said. Harry and Meghan later bought their own estate worth a reported $14 million in Montecito, California, where they now live with their son Archie, 4, and daughter Lilibet, 2.

Tyler Perry became Lilibet’s godfather. In the podcast he revealed, according to People magazine also his nickname for the two-year-old: “Little Lili”. He went on to say of his goddaughter: “She’s so adorable. Oh, she’s so beautiful. She’s just so beautiful.” Perry continued: “They make beautiful babies – that’s all I can say.” Archie and Lili are “beautiful”.


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