Ubisoft Suffered a Cyberattack, but Players Reportedly Unaffected

Cyberattacks are unfortunately legion, as more and more industries rely on their digital ecosystem. Several major players in the video game industry have been victims of this in recent months, including CD Project RED and Electronic Artsand others before them.

The latest is Ubisoft, the French giant with numerous subsidiaries around the world. He has just confirmed with a short press release thathe had “experienced a cybersecurity incident” last weekthe very one that disrupted the servers for several hours March 4. The investigation is ongoing, while the intrusion may have made it possible to unearth the passwords of certain employees. On the other hand, the publisher assures him: no personal player information would have been affected.

Last week Ubisoft experienced a cybersecurity incident which caused a temporary disruption to some of our games, systems and services. Our IT teams are working with leading external experts to investigate the issue. As a precaution, we have launched a company-wide password reset. Additionally, we can confirm that all of our games and services are functioning normally and that at this time there is no evidence that any player personal information has been accessed or exposed as a by-product of this incident. .

It’s up to you to see if you want to ensure the coup by changing your passwords Ubisoft or not. Let’s just hope the case doesn’t go any further for the community.

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