Ukraine conflict – NATO and US again reject Russia’s demands – News

  • In the Ukraine conflict, NATO and the US government have again rejected the Russian demand for commitments to end NATO’s eastward expansion.
  • In response to Russia’s proposals for new security agreements, it was made clear “that there are core principles that we are committed to upholding and defending,” US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in Washington on Wednesday.

These included Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and the right of states to choose their alliances. Blinken again warned Moscow of “massive consequences” in the event of an invasion of Ukraine.

“Are ready to listen to Russia’s concerns”

NATO has offered Russia a written offer to negotiate on improving relations, but will not respond to Moscow’s demands for a halt to eastward expansion. “We are ready to listen to Russia’s concerns and to have a real discussion on how to preserve and strengthen the fundamental principles of European security to which we are all committed,” Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said in Brussels on Wednesday evening. But this also includes the right of all states to decide for themselves on their way.

«No from the USA, the Russian government cannot leave it»

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Luzia Tschirky, SRF correspondent in Moscow, assesses how the American response is received in Russia: «Russian President Vladimir Putin has remained silent so far. Nevertheless, it is becoming apparent that the Russian government does not seem to want to respond to the offer from the USA. Moscow wants a commitment on all points and above all on one thing: Ukraine should not join NATO in the future either. The Russian government cannot ignore Washington’s no, otherwise it risks losing face to those who support the Kremlin’s course. Meanwhile, Russian state television reported that the situation in eastern Ukraine was becoming more and more dangerous. The fact that Russia is responsible for this is not mentioned. The people of Ukraine face long days of uncertainty.”

According to Stoltenberg, NATO has made a concrete proposal to the government in Moscow to reopen the representations that were closed after a dispute over espionage. In addition, they want to make full use of the existing military communication channels to promote transparency and reduce risks.

Blinking: NATO door is open

Specifically, as a first step, the NATO-Russia Council proposes mutual briefings on maneuvers and nuclear policy. Then the Vienna Document on military transparency should also be modernized.


NATO and its Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg have written to Russia to offer negotiations on improving relations, but do not want to respond to Moscow’s demands for a halt to eastward expansion.

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The US Secretary of State emphasized that all 30 NATO countries make decisions about an expansion together, not his country alone. “But from our point of view, I can’t be clearer: the door of NATO is open and will remain open.” There are other areas in which one can negotiate with Russia – for example, the stationing of offensive missile systems in Ukraine, maneuvers in Europe or arms control measures.

The US government and NATO had previously sent the Russian government written answers to Moscow’s concerns about security in Europe. The documents were not published. Blinken said he expects to talk to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov about it in the coming days. Last month, Russia handed the US and NATO draft agreements in which the Kremlin demands security guarantees in Europe. Among other things, an end to the eastward expansion of NATO, which Russia sees as a threat, is being demanded. In particular, the Kremlin wants to prevent Ukraine from being included in the western defense alliance.

So far it is unclear whether the current Russian troop deployment on the border with Ukraine is connected to the Russian proposals for new security agreements. Western intelligence officials believe it is possible that the demonstration is intended to stir up fears of a Russian invasion of Ukraine in order to persuade NATO and the United States to make concessions.

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