Ukraine war in the live ticker: +++ 00:11 Selenskyj: Situation in the Donbass “is hell” +++

Ukraine war in the live ticker
+++ 00:11 Zelenskyy: Situation in Donbass “is hell” +++

According to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the Ukrainian army needs even more weapons to defeat the Russian superiority in the Donbass. In his evening video address, the head of state thanks the United States in particular for wanting to provide further military aid. His army could inflict painful losses on the attackers, especially with the HIMARS multiple rocket launchers from the USA. However, in terms of material and manpower, the Ukrainian army is still inferior to the Russian armed forces. “This can be felt very clearly in the fight, especially in the Donbass,” said Zelenskyj. “It’s just hell there. Words can’t describe it.”

+++ 23:18 Ukraine reports Russian rocket fire in the border area with Poland +++
Two explosions were reported near Ukraine’s western border in the evening. The administration of the Lviv region announced that a Russian missile had hit a Ukrainian military facility in the Chervonohrad district, not far from the border with Poland. There is still no information on the damage done. The Russian army fired eight missiles at Ukraine from long-range bombers over the Caspian Sea, reports the high command of the Ukrainian air force. Seven of them were intercepted. An anti-aircraft position was hit in the Lviv region.

+++ 22:44 report: Russian volunteer battalion is waiting for payment +++
A volunteer battalion from the autonomous Russian republic Chuvashia According to one report, he is waiting for his promised payment. The 40 members of the “Atal” battalion have sent a complaint to a local Communist Party MP, the US think tank reports “Institute for the Study of War” citing the independent Russian TV channel doschd. Accordingly, the region had promised the men 200,000 rubles (about 3,100 euros) if they volunteered for service in Ukraine. In addition, they should receive 2000 rubles (about 30 euros) for each day of training and deployment. According to the information, the men are to be sent to war in the coming day.

+++ 21:52 Moscow calls North Macedonian tank delivery “huge mistake” +++
The Russian government has criticized North Macedonia’s military support for Ukraine. “We consider this a huge mistake on the part of North Macedonia,” said Maria Zakharova, spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, according to the Russian state news agency TASS. The government in Skopje is thus supporting Ukraine’s criminal activities against civilians in Donbass. North Macedonia, the newest NATO member, said on Saturday that it wanted to modernize its armed forces and would therefore hand over an unspecified number of T-72 main battle tanks to Ukraine.

+++ 21:33 Mayor: Up to 100 people leave Mariupol every day +++
According to Ukrainian sources, a number of people are still fleeing from the Russian-occupied city of Mariupol. “Every day we record around 50 to 100 people leaving the city,” quotes the portal Ukrajinska Pravda Petro Andryushchenkoeinen, an adviser to the mayor. In many cases, there should have been disputes with the Russian occupiers beforehand. On Monday, they presented the first reconstruction plans for the almost completely destroyed city. Mariupol had been besieged and bombarded by Russian troops for weeks before it was taken. About 120,000 to 130,000 of the original 530,000 residents are said to be left.

+++ 21:08 Ukraine accuses Germany of blocking financial aid +++
Ukraine, which is on the verge of bankruptcy because of the war, accuses the federal government of blocking the payment of EU financial aid. “We expect eight billion euros. Unfortunately, some EU countries, including Germany, are blocking the examination of this question,” said deputy head of the presidential office Ihor Zhovka, according to local media. President Volodymyr Zelenskyj is therefore conducting “active talks”. In May, Ukraine was promised financial aid of nine billion euros. The country has already received a billion of these, explained Schowka.

+++ 20:47 First grain carrier ready for inspection +++
The first Ukrainian grain carrier is ready for inspection in Turkey. According to the Turkish Defense Ministry, the freighter “Razoni” with around 26,000 tons of corn on board has arrived at the Bosphorus and anchored at the assigned spot. Representatives from Ukraine, Russia, Turkey and the United Nations are scheduled to board and inspect the ship tomorrow morning. This is to ensure, among other things, that no weapons are loaded. The freighter is then allowed to pass the Bosporus and head for Lebanon.

You can read earlier developments of the Ukraine war here.

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