Ukraine war in the live ticker: +++ 02:37 USA: More than 100,000 soldiers killed and injured on both sides +++

Ukraine war in the live ticker
+++ 02:37 USA: More than 100,000 soldiers killed and injured on both sides +++

According to the top US general, both Russia and Ukraine have reported five-digit casualties among their troops. “We are dealing with well over 100,000 Russian soldiers killed and wounded. The same probably applies to the Ukrainian side. There is a lot of human suffering,” said US Army General Mark Milley in a speech in New York. In addition, since the start of the Russian invasion in February, up to 40,000 Ukrainian civilians have died in the conflict.

+++ 00:56 Strack-Zimmermann calls for rapid arms deliveries: “Germany must now assume a leading role in Europe” +++
After the midterm elections to the US Congress, the chairwoman of the defense committee in the Bundestag, Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, calls on the federal government to deliver more heavy weapons to Ukraine as quickly as possible. “The Bundeswehr could immediately deliver 50 martens and offer the training,” says the FDP politician to the editorial network Germany. “Should the Republicans secure a majority in Congress, parliamentary support for Ukraine in the United States will become more difficult, and financing will be put to the test in many respects,” warns Strack-Zimmermann. Germany must now “take on the leadership role in Europe demanded by its Western partners and without a doubt move forward decisively and courageously”.

+++ 23:18 Selenskyj warns of restraint after the Russian withdrawal from Cherson +++
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky sees no reason for euphoria in view of Moscow’s announced withdrawal from the southern Ukrainian city of Cherson and from the entire right bank of the Dnipro. After this announcement, there was “a lot of joy,” he says in his daily video speech. “But our emotions have to be contained – especially during the war.” The withdrawal of the Russian occupiers was primarily due to the successes of the Ukrainian armed forces. “The enemy does not give us gifts, does not make gestures of goodwill.” And Ukraine will continue to fight. “I will definitely not feed the enemy all the details of our operations,” said Zelenskyy. The Ukrainian military will continue to move “very carefully, without emotion, without unnecessary risk”.

+++ 22:26 Putin awards Stremoussov with a medal of bravery +++
The deputy crew chief of Cherson, Kirill Stremousov, is posthumously honored by the Kremlin with a medal for bravery. According to the Kremlin website, President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree. Stremusov was one of the best-known representatives of the Russian occupation administration. According to official information, he died in a car accident.

+++ 22:00 Ukrainians say they are advancing near Cherson +++
Russian attacks hit the southern Ukrainian city of Krivyi Rih in the evening. According to the Ukrainian military administration, numerous cartridge bombs with cluster munitions from Russian rocket launchers are used. The population is called upon to be particularly careful not to set off the small, cylindrical explosive devices. Further south, Ukrainian soldiers are advancing on the city of Cherson. The Russian military leadership had previously announced the withdrawal from the city and from the entire right bank of the Dnipro. Ukrainian media reported on the “liberation” of the villages of Pravdino and Kalinovskoye after heavy fighting over the past few days. However, the Russians withdrew from both places before the Ukrainians invaded, reports Ukrajinska Pravda. The Russian side reports that the Ukrainian armed forces are preparing to advance towards the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant. For this purpose, around 7,000 Ukrainian soldiers were gathered around the city of Zaporizhia, the Tass agency quoted a representative of the occupation administration as saying.

+++ 21:43 EU training of Ukrainian soldiers is approaching +++
At a meeting of foreign ministers on Monday, Germany and the other 26 EU countries want to decide on the start of the training mission for Ukrainian armed forces. The committee of permanent representatives of the EU states in Brussels unanimously approves the corresponding plans, as confirmed by several diplomats. It is planned that around 15,000 Ukrainian soldiers will initially be trained in Germany, Poland and other EU countries. Germany has offered to organize combat training for companies and tactical exercises for a brigade staff and the subordinate battalion staffs. In addition, there will be training for trainers, medical training and weapon system training in close cooperation with industry. A brigade with up to 5,000 Ukrainian soldiers could be trained in Germany in the coming months.

+++ 21:28 Ukraine: Economy shrinks more than expected +++
According to Economics Minister Julia Syvrydenko, the gross domestic product in Ukraine will shrink by 39 percent this year and thus more than the 35 percent previously forecast. The reason is the destruction of civilian infrastructure by Russia.

You can read earlier developments in the Ukraine war here.

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