Un Si Grand Soleil in advance: summary of the episode of Friday January 14, 2022 [SPOILERS]

In the next episode of “Un Si Grand Soleil”…While Elliot leaves Montpellier, Arthur makes a discovery that does not delight him.

Attention, the following paragraphs contain spoilers on the episode of Un Si Grand Soleil broadcast tomorrow evening on France 2! If you don’t want to know anything, don’t read on!

Friday, January 14 in Such a big sun…


At the police station, prosecutor Bernier congratulates his teams for the success of the investigation and more particularly Élise for her act of courage. Later, Alex thanks his teammate for saving his life and states that he will never forget what she did for him.

Although the investigation is officially closed, unfortunately it is not for Alex. Indeed, there are still many gray areas for the policeman. Where did the shooting take place? Who dropped off Manu at the hospital? Orsan being dead, only Captain Léoni could answer but for that he would still have to recover his memory. Yann then makes them understand that they should not rely too much on him, believing that it is sometimes easier not to remember than to have to explain.

Meanwhile, Manu leaves the hospital with Camille and Laetitia. When his daughter indicates that she wants to move in with him while they recover, he replies that it is not necessary since he will not be at home. This is how Laetitia learns that her ex-husband is seeing their daughter’s French teacher.

For his part, Virgil confides to Eve that he is no longer sure he wants to spend his life camping. Understanding, she asks him to keep her informed of his decision. Before leaving, Eve explains to him that she would like to speak to her son. However, Virgile does not know if this is possible since it is very likely that Eliott is already far away. Eve then tries to reach him but without success. After going to his house, she finds that he has emptied the place and left.

At the same time, it’s time to say goodbye to Eliott, who joins Charles outside the city. When the latter seeks to know if he is sure of his choice, Eliott affirms that yes otherwise he will never be rid of Bernier. While Charles questions him on what he intends to do to get out of it, Eliott retorts that he has two paintings in his possession which will allow him to last a few months before specifying that he always manages. Charles tries to offer to give him back the shares of the bar, Eliott refuses because he only wants to regain his freedom. Before he gets into the car, Eliott warmly hugs his friend. Very moved, he then leaves for his new life, leaving behind him a crying Charles on the side of the road.

In the evening, Eve opens up to Manu about her son’s departure. Very moved, she fears never to see him again. To comfort her, the policeman states that he may be gone but that he will never give up on his mother. He therefore advises her to give him some time, certain that he will show up.

At the same time, Eliott receives a call from Bernier who congratulates him on his excellent work. After offering him a new case, the prosecutor gives him his word that he will put an end to their collaboration if he does a good job. Bernier therefore gives him an appointment next Monday at the end of the day at his office. Once he hangs up, Eliott throws his phone out the window and continues on his way.


In the morning, Antonin calls Arthur to invite him to lunch. Having already agreed to eat with Jennifer, the Bastide son offers to join them. Antonin, Arthur and Jennifer therefore have lunch together at 101. The atmosphere is in a good mood since Antonin continues to share anecdotes about his best friend. When leaving, Jennifer leaves a ten euro note to pay her share. Only, Arthur insists on inviting her because he knows that she doesn’t really have the means. Unfortunately, the young woman has no desire for everyone to be aware of her situation and to settle the entire bill before leaving the place upset.

Later, Arthur half-heartedly admits to Antonin that he has a thing for Jennifer. Convinced that she appreciates him a lot, Antonin advises her to take the plunge. Back at the hospital, Arthur is about to ask Jennifer out when she receives a call from her boyfriend who has just returned from a six month internship abroad. A disappointment for the Bastide son who hastens to return to work.

A few steps away, Janet meets Tim to inform him that he is not suffering from a genetic myopathy but an inflammatory one. While he wonders if this is good news, Doctor Lewis replies that she must first determine the origin of the pathogenic antibodies. In the meantime, she prescribes him a treatment. If he reacts well, Tim can ride his bike again.

Relieved, he reports the good news to Arthur. Curious, he takes the opportunity to ask him about the progress of his relationship with Jennifer. Arthur then replies that she already has a boyfriend. Following this revelation, Tim is surprised that she has never spoken of him and this all the more so since he was certain that she fell for him.

At the end of his shift, Arthur talks to Alain about his budding feelings for Jennifer. According to the doctor, we are quickly confronted with strong emotions in the hospital and many caregivers have burned their wings at this little game. He therefore advises him to separate his professional life and his emotional life.

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