Un Si Grand Soleil in advance: summary of the episode of Monday, January 17, 2022 [SPOILERS]

In the next episode of “Un Si Grand Soleil”…While Virgil leaves the campsite, the unexpected arrival of someone close to Jennifer plunges Arthur into despair.

Attention, the following paragraphs contain spoilers on the episode of Un Si Grand Soleil broadcast Monday evening on France 2! If you don’t want to know anything, don’t read on!

Monday, January 17 in Such a big sun…


Manu and Eve spin the perfect love. They feel so good together that the French teacher is also starting to get used to their new life as a couple. However, Manu hasn’t had time to have a chat with Virgile since the shooting. He therefore decides to go to the campsite to burst the abscess.

On the spot, Virgil recognizes that it does not really please him to know that they are together and specifies that he would have preferred more frankness on their part rather than learning it by chance. Manu does try to explain himself but he refuses to hear the details of their story. When the policeman claims that they had no idea he still had feelings for Eve, Virgil doesn’t believe him. According to him, she knew it very well since he kept sending her signals. While Manu understands that he is angry with them, Virgile indicates that he cannot do otherwise but indicates however that it will eventually pass

Later, Alex calls Manu to hear from him then takes the opportunity to warn him that Yann and Becker doubt his partial amnesia. Despite everything, Manu continues to lie claiming that he does not remember anything since he was shot in the abdomen.

At the same time, Virgil announces to Eve that he is giving up camping because he needs to take some distance after everything that has happened. Since she does not see herself with another partner than him, Eve plans to sell him in order to finally move on.

Not far from there, commissioner Becker informs prosecutor Bernier that Eliott left his loft last week and that he assigned the lease of his bar to two of his friends. Realizing that he led him on the wrong path, Bernier counts on the commissioner to put him behind bars.

At nightfall, Virgil leaves the campsite.


Arthur is in low spirits and doesn’t really want to go to work. As he suspects that his condition is linked to Jennifer, Alain urges him to focus on his professional future, specifying that personal stories are often counterproductive.

Later, Tim announces to Arthur that he has started his new treatment and then asks him about his relationship with Jennifer now that he knows she is in a relationship. The Bastide son then recognizes that he avoids him as much as possible. Certain that he has every chance with her, Tim advises him instead to hang on and not let go. Unfortunately, Arthur does not believe it and is convinced that he will end his days alone. Shortly after, Jennifer invites Arthur to lunch but he declines, claiming to have work.

For his part, Dr. Lewis announces to Tim that his new treatment is starting to take effect since the muscle inflammation has already diminished a lot and should be completely resorbed within a few days. Tim will therefore be able to go home and will even be able to cycle again after a few physio sessions.

Not far from there, Pierre, Jennifer’s boyfriend, came to pick up his girlfriend after leaving the hospital. Pained to see them together, Arthur goes to see Antonin and Dylan to whom he pours out his sentimental troubles. The latter may try to reassure him, nothing helps.

At nightfall, Jennifer dines alone with Pierre. Happy to see her again, Pierre however noticed that she was a little distant with him. Jennifer then pretends that her work and her studies take up a lot of her time.

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