Un Si Grand Soleil in advance: summary of the episode of Tuesday, January 11, 2022 [SPOILERS]

In the next episode of “Un Si Grand Soleil” … As Eliott makes a decision about his bar, Arthur must learn not to put affect on his work.

Attention, the following paragraphs contain spoilers on the episode of Un Si Grand Soleil broadcast Monday evening on France 2! If you don’t want to know anything, don’t read on!

Tuesday January 11 in Un si grand soleil…


In the morning, Orsan contacts José. Not having appreciated that he wanted to set a trap for him, he left him 48 hours to bring him all the paintings or a million euros. Before hanging up, the former legionary specifies that if he tries again to lead him by boat, Virgil will be able to say goodbye to his girlfriend. As he does not understand what he is talking about, Orsan sends a video of Eve in which we see her gagged.

Without waiting, Virgil warns Manu that Orsan is holding Eve hostage. Worried, the policeman would like to warn his colleagues but Virgil refuses because he knows full well that he will kill Eve at the slightest misstep.

Meanwhile, Élise discovered that Orsan inherited a house in the area. The police immediately went there and discovered plans and many weapons. Evidence which clearly shows that the legionnaire is at the origin of the burglary of the villa as well as the murder of the guardian. Orsan being nowhere to be found, Elise wonders if he would not use his aunt’s car to go incognito. At the same time, the fugitive walks past the house with Eve locked in the safe.

Not far from there, José and Virgil are looking for a solution to raise a million euros. As they only have 350,000 euros, José wonders if Eve would not have money or family. When Virgil mentions Eliott’s bar, José realizes that he is hiding behind the theft of paintings.

For his part, Eliott announces to Charles and Dylan that he is giving them the 101 free of charge and therefore gives them an appointment the next morning at the notary to formalize the transaction. However, Eve’s son begs them to remain discreet until the end of the week. When they ask him about the reasons for this decision, Eliott replies that he is leaving Montpellier.

At nightfall, Virgil calls Manu and tells him about his suspicions about Eliott. Indeed, the day after the burglary, Eliott went to José’s room to find work and two days later, the paintings were stolen. Manu then summons him to catch him as quickly as possible.


At the hospital, Jennifer meets Arthur and Alain. When she learns that he knows Dr. Alphand personally, Jennifer quickly understands that it was thanks to him that her colleague obtained her post as a stretcher bearer. Insofar as he is uncomfortable, the young woman specifies that it does not matter because he is not the first to be boosted.

Janet later informs Tim that his MRI results are not good. Indeed, doctors discovered myopathy, a disease that causes muscle degeneration. Shocked, Tim already imagines himself in a wheelchair. Despite everything, there is nothing to say that he has developed a serious form of the disease and Dr Lewis is therefore reassuring.

In the afternoon, Arthur crosses paths with Tim outside the hospital and the latter tells him about his latest exam results. At worst, the young man fears having to go out of business if he can no longer ride a bike. At the same time, he receives a call from his parents but does not answer it because he does not have the courage to tell them the bad news. While Arthur urges him to do it to avoid being left alone in such a time, Tim doesn’t feel like it..

Shortly after, Jennifer offers Arthur to go for a drink to celebrate his success in the exams. Only, Arthur prefers to postpone their evening because Tim is in low spirits. Jennifer is understanding then says that he will make a very good doctor because he really cares about the well-being of his patients. At the end of his shift, Arthur goes to Tim’s bedside followed by Jennifer and all three start playing cards to change the young man’s ideas. Mission successful for Jennifer and Arthur.

On returning home, Arthur discusses Tim’s illness with Alain. Doctor Alphand advises him not to become attached and to consider him only as a patient. Indeed, Arthur will one day be confronted with the incurable disease and he will suffer if he does not protect himself.

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