Unemployment: 43% of French people believe that job seekers are responsible for their situation

The French are not kind to the unemployed. And the health crisis has not improved their point of view on the issue. This is what reveals the barometer of the perception of unemployment Elabe for Unédic, published by Les Échos this Tuesday, December 21. For 43% of those polled, the unemployed are solely responsible for their situation, ie 7 points more than in the previous barometer, published last July.

Among the main causes for the situation of the unemployed, the response “people do not want to work” was ticked by a quarter of respondents (+7 pts). For 21%, the reason is “too weak control of unemployed fraudsters” (+3 pts), and 19% question “the amount of benefits paid” (+4 pts).

>> To read also – Unemployment insurance: the Council of State definitively validates the reform of the calculation of benefits

If the share of French people who attribute this situation to the unemployed has skyrocketed, respondents are now less likely to attribute responsibility to companies (-5 pts), at 47%. The reluctance of bosses to hire or the lack of vacancies are mentioned less by respondents than during the previous barometer, underline Les Échos.

>> To read also – Waiting period and unemployment: principle and deferred compensation

Paradoxically, the main reason for unemployment remains changes in society for 65% of those surveyed, who cite relocations abroad (35%), the destruction of jobs through technological developments, digitization and robotization (29 %) and the tendency of companies to do more with fewer employees (28%).

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