Unesco revokes Liverpool’s world heritage status

It is only the third time in the history of the World Heritage Convention of 1972 that a cultural or natural site has been deprived of its prestigious title.

Because of the city development project called “Liverpool Waters”, the construction of high-rise buildings, infrastructure projects and poor management, the status was already threatened. There was also criticism of a planned football stadium. Liverpool has been on the list of endangered sites as a maritime trading city since 2012. A Unesco document stated that it had long since lost its character, which led to it being classified as a world heritage site.

The last time the Elbe Valley in Dresden was removed from the World Heritage List in 2009 because of the construction of the Waldschlösschen Bridge. The first deletion was in 2007 for Oman because of the reduction in the size of the wildlife sanctuary for the rare Arabian oryx antelopes.