Unilever: 5% increase in sales in Q4 thanks to volume recovery

by Richa Naidu

LONDON, Feb 8 (Reuters) – Unilever reported 5% growth in underlying sales in the fourth quarter on Thursday, driven by an increase in volumes for the first time in 10 quarters.

The British FMCG giant said it expected a “modest improvement” in underlying operating margin for the full year and that underlying sales growth would be within its range. multi-year from 3% to 5%.

In the fourth quarter, underlying volumes increased by 1.8%, the first increase observed since the second quarter of 2021 thanks to a slowdown in price increases.

Underlying price growth for the fourth quarter was 2.8%, lower than analysts’ forecasts. (Reporting Richa Naidu; French version Nathan Vifflin, edited by Blandine Hénault)

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