United States: an agency to be created to investigate UFOs

Alexis Guilleux, edited by Gauthier Delomez
, modified at

11:46 a.m., December 21, 2021

The US Senate last week passed plans for an agency to investigate UFOs. Unidentified flying objects which have again been a cause for concern for the American authorities for several months. These objects could actually come from technological advances of competing countries.

A mystery which requires means to be solved. The US Senate last week adopted plans to create an agency to investigate UFOs, which will report regularly to the Department of Defense. If this creation of an agency can make you smile in France, the unidentified objects recently spotted in the skies of the United States are a real cause for concern across the Atlantic.

Detect, identify and assess their dangerousness

The US Congress therefore takes UFOs very seriously with the creation of this agency. Officials and experts will need to examine these unexplained aerial objects and report their progress to Congress once or twice a year. The mission has several objectives: to detect, identify and attribute these phenomena, then assess their degree of danger and threat to the security of the country.

The agency will be under the responsibility of the US Department of Defense and Intelligence. A sign that Joe Biden’s United States is not really looking for manifestations of extraterrestrial life, but rather worries about the potential technological advances of their Chinese or Russian adversaries, and their espionage capacities.

143 cases out of 144 still unresolved

For several years, the US military has been collecting data on unlikely encounters made by its pilots. For example, objects moving at speeds and in ways that do not match current aviation capabilities. Last June, the Pentagon even published a report on the subject which showed that 143 of the 144 cases studied remain unsolved. The authors of this text requested additional resources to study these phenomena, which is now done.

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