United States: Donald Trump, serial loser

Si, in the United States, the most obtuse Republicans still doubted it, the re-election of the Democrat Raphael Warnock to his post of senator from Georgia, on December 6, provided additional proof of this: Donald Trump is indeed a weight that pulls the Large Old Party towards the bottom.

Let us judge. In this state which was at the heart of the battle led by the latter to contest the results of the presidential election of 2020, the outgoing Republican candidates for the posts of governor and secretary of state, overwhelmed with reproaches for not having then twisted the results in his favor easily prevailed in the midterm elections on 8 November.

Herschel Walker, a former professional American football player selected by Donald Trump to try to wrest the majority in the Senate from the Democrats, however failed. Chosen on the sole criteria of celebrity and loyalty to the former businessman, he had proved his incompetence during a trying campaign, peppered with embarrassing revelations concerning his accommodations with the conservative morals he claims as compass.

The polls have spoken, but his defeat is above all that of his political godfather, whose new campaign to become the Republican candidate for the 2024 presidential election begins under the worst auspices. Less than a month after an entry on the scene which no one doubted anymore, but which turned out to be sluggish, Donald Trump appears more than ever locked in his obsessions, without a project or a formula likely to strike people’s minds as he had been able to do. when he entered politics.


The chronicle he has since fed is, for the moment, that of a slow descent into the abyss. First of all, he finds himself under increasing pressure from the courts. The latter rendered decisions against her on November 23, then December 2, regarding access to her tax returns, and the file of documents improperly kept in her luxury club in Florida after her departure from power. .

The November 29 sedition conviction of two far-right militia officials implicated in the January 6, 2021 assault on the Capitol in Washington has also reignited questions about his role in the real coup attempt. of state. On the day Georgia was defeated, the Trump Organization was finally convicted of tax evasion and false accounting.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Midterms 2022: In Georgia, the Democrats obtain a crucial victory which increases their majority in the Senate

Donald Trump also caused a scandal by inviting rapper Kanye West, who has been making anti-Semitic statements for weeks, and a white supremacist to dinner. This complacency recalled the inability of the former Republican president during his mandate to distance himself from the far right. To top it off, the former businessman found nothing better than to call on December 3 for the suspension of the Constitution in response to the alleged rigging of the 2020 presidential election, a conspiracy theory in which he gets bogged down more and more.

With a few courageous exceptions, the Republican Party nevertheless continues to remain silent, no doubt hoping that this candidacy will collapse on its own, to spare a significant electoral base still acquired by the former president. This cowardly silence, however, can only maintain a Republican minority in its deadly denials and allow this Trumpism which leads to defeat to survive its inspirer.

Also listen After the midterms, the announced decline of Donald Trump?

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