United States wants to reduce aviation emissions by 20% by 2030

The Biden administration, which is committed to making the fight against climate change a priority, on Thursday, September 9, presented a new series of actions aimed this time at reducing emissions from commercial aviation by 20% by 2030.

The sector currently produces 11% of emissions related to transport in the United States, said the White House in a document released Thursday.

“Without additional measures, the share of aviation emissions is likely to increase as the flight of people and goods increases”, underlines the document.

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The administration would first like to speed up the production of renewable fuel (sustainable aviation fuel, SAF) to at least 3 billion gallons (11.4 billion liters) per year by 2030.

Tax credits and special loans

The use of non-fossil fuels (SAF) is considered to be one of the most promising avenues for reducing the carbon footprint of air transport.

There are several types of SAF, including biofuels, but also advanced products, synthesized from CO capture.2 and hydrogen itself of renewable origin.

The American president has already proposed a tax credit intended for this purpose as part of his “Build Back Better” program (“Build back better”), still under discussion in Congress.

Its services want to step up efforts by offering additional incentives, including loan guarantees of up to $ 3 billion and research funding.

The American administration also wants, among other measures, to strengthen research and development projects on reducing the consumption of kerosene by devices.

US airlines, which collectively pledged in March to produce 2 billion gallons of renewable fuel per year by 2030, have agreed to revise this target upwards, the federation representing them, Airlines for America, said on Thursday.

This new initiative is presented after other programs intended to act against climate change, on solar energy or sales of electric cars in particular.

Read also Can biofuels really improve the ecological balance of airplanes?

The World with AFP