Unusual honeymoon: Meghan Trainor let her parents join her

Unusual honeymoon
Meghan Trainor let her parents join her on honeymoon

© Xavier Collin/Image Press Agency/ImageCollect

What is the “most expensive thing” Meghan Trainor, 30, has ever bought, apart from real estate? The US singer (“All About That Bass”) answers this question in an interview with the British newspaper “The Guardian”. And the 30-year-old’s answer is surprising.

Honeymooning with parents

“At the beginning of 2019, I took my whole family with me on my honeymoon to Bora Bora,” says the American. The pop singer saved some money on the wedding budget by using her own garden in Los Angeles as the venue for the wedding in December 2018, according to media reports. A hundred close friends and family members were said to have been invited at the time.

The singer’s husband is actor Daryl Sabara, 32. And he is the greatest love of her life, as Trainor confirms when asked: “Daryl, my husband.” She also explains how the two got together: “Our mutual friend Chloë Grace Moretz set us up. I said I really want a nice guy and she said her best friend is the nicest guy she’s ever met. And he really is.”

She also loves the supplier

On her Instagram account The singer congratulates her husband and father of her two little sons on his birthday on June 14th with the words: “You are the best husband, the best father and the best person I know. […] I love you forever.” However, she also declares her love to just about everyone, as Trainor also confessed to the Guardian: “In Los Angeles, we say ‘I love you’ to everyone, and I guess I don’t love everyone. I even say ‘I love you’ to my doctors and the delivery guy.”

Meghan Trainor’s breakthrough came in 2014 with her song “All About the Bass” and in 2016 she won the Grammy for best newcomer. Her new album is called “Timeless”. Trainor has two sons, Riley, 3, and Barry (11 months). Her dream is to have two daughters as well.


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