Upbringing: Typical sentences of narcissistic parents

Toxic Words
5 sentences that narcissistic parents give themselves away with

Children of narcissistic parents often struggle with the consequences throughout their lives.

Affected children often only learn in adulthood that they grew up with narcissistic parents. Find out in the video which sentences they use most often.

Being able to grow up in a safe environment where you are loved and supported unconditionally provides the basis for a permanently happy and successful life. But especially children of narcissistic parents, who are more concerned with themselves than with the needs of their offspring, lack this foundation.

Children of narcissistic parents hear these sentences particularly often

Narcissistic parents are often masters at disguising themselves. But there are a few phrases they particularly like to use with their children. Of course, one of the phrases isn’t automatically a clear warning sign of narcissism on its own – but if they are repeated in this form and are used specifically to manipulate children, they are an indication that should not be ignored. You can find out in the video which sentences are so critical and what narcissistic parents want to achieve with them in the worst case.

Source used: daughtersrising.info


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